
Goodall [good′ôl΄]
Jane 1934- ; Brit. primatologist

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(1934– )
a British scientist, who became famous for her study of chimpanzees. She discovered that these animal use tools. Before her studies, people thought that only humans understood how to make and use tools with their hands. At the age of 23, she met Dr Louis Leakey on a trip to Africa and became his assistant. Then she went to Gombe National Park in Tanzania in 1960. She lived and worked there studying how chimpanzees live. She has won many prizes for her work and in 1977 she started the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education and Conservation.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Goodall — (spr. guddell), Frederick, engl. Genremaler, geb. 17. Sept. 1822 zu London, Sohn des Kupferstechers Edward G. (1795 1870), gest. das. 29. Juli 1904; Hauptbilder: Dorffest (1847, London), Tasso Vorlesung in Chioggia und Volksszenen aus Ägypten;… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Goodall — (Ghudäll), Frederik, geb. 1822 zu London, geschätzter engl. Genremaler …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Goodall — Goodall, Jane …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Goodall — [good′ôl΄] Jane 1934 ; Brit. primatologist …   English World dictionary

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