goal post — n. 1. either of the two vertical posts that support a crossbar and form the opening of a goal in soccer, hockey, etc. 2. Football the base, crossbar, and uprights that form the goal for a field goal or for an extra point that is kicked … English World dictionary
goal post — goal post, one of a pair of posts with a bar across them, forming a goal in football and soccer … Useful english dictionary
goal post — goalpost goalpost, goal post goal post, n. (Sport) One of two posts supporting a crossbar which forms a goal[3], especially in American football; also, in football the entire structure consisting of the posts, crossbar, and two uprights. To score … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
goal-post — virpstas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Iš šono vartų plotą ribojantis vertikalus apvalus arba keturkampis stovas. Virpsto aukštis ir plotis nurodomas sporto šakos taisyklėse. atitikmenys: angl. goal post vok. Pfosten, m;… … Sporto terminų žodynas
goal post — noun Either of the pair of vertical supports limiting the goal in various ballgames, such as soccer, rugby and American football … Wiktionary
goal post — one of two vertical posts which form a football or soccer goal … English contemporary dictionary
goal·post — /ˈgoʊlˌpoʊst/ noun, pl posts [count] : one of two upright posts that form part of the goal in various games (such as soccer, hockey, and football) move/shift the goalposts Brit : to change the rules or requirements in a way that makes success… … Useful english dictionary
goal post — see goalpost … English dictionary
Goal (sport) — Goal refers to a method of scoring in many sports. It can also refer to the physical structure or area of the playing surface in which a score is made. Method of ScoringIn some sports, the goal is the sole method of scoring, and in these sports,… … Wikipedia
Post-modern portfolio theory — [The earliest citation of the term Post Modern Portfolio Theory in the literature appears in 1993 in the article Post Modern Portfolio Theory Comes of Age by Brian M. Rom and Kathleen W. Ferguson, published in The Journal of Investing, Winter,… … Wikipedia