
Gauteng [gou′teŋ΄]
province of South Africa, in the N part: 7,263 sq mi (18,810 sq km); pop. 6,869,000; cap. Johannesburg

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      province, northeastern South Africa. It consists of the cities of Pretoria, Johannesburg, Germiston, and Vereeniging and their surrounding metropolitan areas in the eastern part of the Witwatersrand region. Gauteng is the smallest South African province. It is bordered by the provinces of Limpopo on the north, Mpumalanga on the east, Free State on the south, and North-West on the west. Until 1994 Gauteng (called Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging in 1994–95) was part of the former Transvaal province. The provincial capital is Johannesburg.

      Gauteng lies on the great interior plateau of southern Africa (the Highveld) and stretches northward from the Vaal River. South of Pretoria there is rolling grassland, and to the north of the city is bushveld. The province's climate is warm and temperate, and rainfall averages 26 inches (650 mm) annually.

      Blacks make up about three-fourths of the province's population, whites about one-fifth. Several languages are spoken in the province; the most widely spoken are Zulu, Afrikaans, Sotho, and English.

      Though the province is largely urbanized, some farming (corn [maize], sorghum, peanuts [groundnuts]), market gardening, and dairy farming are practiced. Gauteng contains enormous concentrations of gold, mainly in the ridge of gold-bearing rock in the south known as the Witwatersrand, where Johannesburg is located. There are also large reserves of platinum, chromite, iron ore, and uranium in the Bushveld Basin to the north. The varied assemblage of mining, industrial, commercial, and financial activities arising from this vast mineral wealth have made Gauteng the economic hub of South Africa and its most densely populated province.

      Pretoria is the administrative (executive) capital of South Africa. Johannesburg is one of South Africa's largest metropolitan areas and its leading industrial, financial, and commercial centre. Johannesburg International Airport is the nation's main international airport. Four universities—those of South Africa, Pretoria, Witwatersrand, and Johannesburg—are located in the province. The fossil hominid sites of Swartkrans, Sterkfontein, Kromdraai, and environs, collectively known as the Cradle of Humankind, are mostly in Gauteng and were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1999. Area 6,568 square miles (17,010 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) 9,018,000.

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