Fortune 500

Fortune 500
Fortune 500 (or 1000 100, etc.)
from annual listings in Fortune, a U.S. business magazine
the 500 (or 1000, 100, etc.) largest U.S. industrial corporations as ranked according to sales volume

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a list showing the sales and profits of the 500 largest US companies which has been published each year since 1955 in the American business magazine Fortune. Companies want to be included because being a Fortune 500 company shows their importance.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Fortune 500 — ☆ Fortune 500 (or 1000 100, etc.) n. [from annual listings in Fortune, a U.S. business magazine] the 500 (or 1000, 100, etc.) largest U.S. industrial corporations as ranked according to sales volume …   English World dictionary

  • Fortune 500 — The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. public corporations as measured by their gross revenue, [ Fortune 500] ,] although eligible …   Wikipedia

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