
footstock [foot′stäk΄]

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  • footstock — [foot′stäk΄] n. TAILSTOCK …   English World dictionary

  • footstock — /ˈfʊtstɒk/ (say footstok) noun → tailstock …  

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  • Fen skating — is a traditional form of ice skating in the Fenland of England. The Fens of East Anglia, with their meres and washes, networks of drainage ditches, slow flowing rivers and easily flooded meadows, form an ideal skating terrain. Skates were… …   Wikipedia

  • Bay to Breakers — The Bay to Breakers is an annual footrace which takes place in San Francisco, California. The name reflects the fact that the race starts at the northeast end of the downtown area a few blocks from The Embarcadero (adjacent to the bay) and runs… …   Wikipedia

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