echo sounding — n. the determining of depth of water by means of a device (echo sounder) that measures the time required for a sound wave to be reflected from the bottom: a similar process (echo ranging) is used to measure the distance to an underwater object … English World dictionary
Echo sounding — pulses directed from the surface or from a submarine vertically down to measure the distance to the bottom by means of sound waves. HistoryAfter the disaster of the Titanic in 1912, the German physicist Alexander Behm conducted some research to… … Wikipedia
echo sounding — noun determining the location of something by measuring the time it takes for an echo to return from it • Syn: ↑echolocation • Hypernyms: ↑localization, ↑localisation, ↑location, ↑locating, ↑fix * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
echo-sounding — echolokacija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Daiktų (objektų) buvimo vietos vandenyje ar kitoje terpėje nustatymas ultragarsu. atitikmenys: angl. echo sounding vok. Echolotung, f rus. эхолотирование, n … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
echo-sounding — echˈo sounding noun A method of measuring the depth of water, locating shoals of fish, etc, by noting the time taken for an echo to return from the bottom, the shoal, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑echo … Useful english dictionary
echo sounding — /ˈɛkoʊ saʊndɪŋ/ (say ekoh sownding) noun 1. a method of measuring the depth of water below a ship by the use of an echo sounder. 2. a measurement so obtained …
echo sounding — noun a) The technique of using reflected pulses of sound to determine depth or the location of objects (or fish) under water. b) A particular measurement made using this technique … Wiktionary
Radio Echo Sounding — Ein Bodenradar, auch Georadar, engl. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) oder Radio Echo Sounding (RES), misst Störungen in den oberen Schichten des Erdbodens durch Reflexion elektromagnetischer Strahlung. In der Geophysik dient es zur Untersuchung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sounding — can refer to:*Determination of the depth of water usually in the sea. Originally using a weighted line called a lead line, more recently using **Echo sounding *Whale sounding, the act of diving by whales *an atmospheric sounding *various methods… … Wikipedia
Echo (disambiguation) — Echo most commonly refers to Echo (phenomenon), a reflection (and/or repetition) of sound.It may also refer to:Computing* Echo (command), a Unix, DOS and Microsoft Windows command to display a line of text * Echo (framework), a web framework for… … Wikipedia