
Decameron [di kam′ər ən]
It Decamerone < Gr deka, TEN + hēmera, day
a collection of a hundred tales by Boccaccio (published 1353), presented as stories told by a group of Florentines to while away ten days during a plague

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  • Decamerón — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para la película homónima de Pier Paolo Pasolini, véase El Decamerón (película). El Decamerón (Decameron, en italiano) es un libro constituido por cien cuentos, algunos de ellos novelas cortas, terminado por Giovanni …   Wikipedia Español

  • décaméron — ⇒DÉCAMÉRON, subst. masc. A. [P. référ. au Décaméron de Boccace, 1352] Ouvrage construit à partir d un récit d événements s étalant sur dix jours. Florilège de chevalerie, décaméron d amour qui charmera les nobles oisivetés des manoirs (BERTRAND,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • décameron — DÉCAMERON. sub. mas. Il se dit d Un ouvrage composé de parties distribuées en dix journées. Le Décaméron de Bocace …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Decameron — /di kamˈə ron, rən/ noun Boccaccio s book of a hundred tales, supposed to be told in ten days ORIGIN: Gr deka ten, and hēmerā a day • • • decameronˈic adjective …   Useful english dictionary

  • Decameron — De*cam e*ron, n. [It. decamerone, fr. Gr. de ka ten + ? part; though quite generally supposed to be derived from hme ra day: cf. F. d[ e]cam[ e]ron.] A celebrated collection of tales, supposed to be related in ten days; written in the 14th… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Decamerón — m. *Historia de lo ocurrido en diez días. * * * ► LITERATURA Obra de Boccaccio, escrita entre 1348 y 1353, que consta de cien narraciones a lo largo de diez jornadas …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Decameron — c.1600, from It. Decamerone, name of Boccaccio s 14c. collection of 100 tales supposedly told over 10 days, from Gk. deka ten (see TEN (Cf. ten)) + hemera day (see EPHEMERA (Cf. ephemera)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Decameron — [di kam′ər ən] n. [It Decamerone < Gr deka, TEN + hēmera, day] a collection of a hundred tales by Boccaccio (published 1353), presented as stories told by a group of Florentines to while away ten days during a plague …   English World dictionary

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