Dagwood (sandwich)
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Dagwood sandwich — Dagwood Bumstead holding a Dagwood sandwich A Dagwood sandwich is a tall, multi layered sandwich made with a variety of meats, cheeses and condiments. It was named after Dagwood Bumstead, a central character in the comic strip Blondie, who is… … Wikipedia
Dagwood Sándwich — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un Dagwood sandwich Un Sándwich Dagwood (del inglés sandwich) es un sándwich grueso de varias capas que está compuesto de una gran variedad de carnes, quesos y condimentos. Fue llamado así por Dagwood Bumstead, un… … Wikipedia Español
Dagwood (sandwich) — ☆ Dagwood (sandwich) or Dagwood [dag′wood΄ ] n. [after Dagwood Bumstead, a comic strip character created by Chic Young (1901 73), who made such sandwiches for himself] a thick sandwich with a variety of fillings, often of apparently incompatible… … English World dictionary
Dagwood (sandwich) — ☆ Dagwood (sandwich) or Dagwood [dag′wood΄ ] n. [after Dagwood Bumstead, a comic strip character created by Chic Young (1901 73), who made such sandwiches for himself] a thick sandwich with a variety of fillings, often of apparently incompatible… … English World dictionary
dagwood (sandwich) — [“dasgwud...] n. a tall sandwich with many layers of food. (From the comic strip character Dagwood by Chick Young.) □ I really like to make an old fashioned dagwood sandwich every now and then. □ How many calories are there in a dagwood, on the… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Dagwood sandwich — Dagwood sand|wich AmE a very large ↑sandwich with many different kinds of meat and cheese in it … Dictionary of contemporary English
dagwood sandwich — /ˌdægwʊd ˈsænwɪtʃ/ (say .dagwood sanwich) noun a large sandwich, with a number of different fillings, and sometimes more than two slices of bread. Also, dagwood. {from Dagwood Bumstead, the hero of a US comic strip Blondie who was given to making …
Dagwood sandwich — /dag wood/ a thick sandwich filled with a variety of meats, cheeses, dressings, and condiments. Also called Dagwood. [named after Dagwood Bumstead, a character in the comic strip Blondie, who makes and eats such sandwiches] * * * … Universalium
Dagwood sandwich — /dag wood/ a thick sandwich filled with a variety of meats, cheeses, dressings, and condiments. Also called Dagwood. [named after Dagwood Bumstead, a character in the comic strip Blondie, who makes and eats such sandwiches] … Useful english dictionary
Dagwood sandwich — Dag′wood sand wich [[t]ˈdæg wʊd[/t]] n. coo a multilayered sandwich • Etymology: after Dagwood Bumstead, a character in the comic strip Blondie … From formal English to slang