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Cotman — [ kɔtmən], John Sell, englischer Maler und Radierer, * Norwich 16. 5. 1782, ✝ London 24. 7. 1842; neben J. Crome der Hauptmeister der Schule von Norwich; aquarellierte Landschafts und Genrebilder nach Motiven seiner ostenglischen Heimat … Universal-Lexikon
Cotman — [kät′mən] John Sell 1782 1842; Eng. painter … English World dictionary
Cotman — John Sell Cotman (* 16. Mai 1782 in Norwich; † 24. Juli 1842 in London) war ein englischer Maler der Romantik. Leben Die Gretabrücke (um 1806) Cotman wurde 1782 in Norwich in der englischen Grafschaft Norfolk … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cotman — The grandfather of Farmer Cotton. The son of Cottar, and an ancestor of the Cottons of Bywater. Cotman was apparently not a wealthy Hobbit his name means cottage dweller , meaning that he lived in a particularly small hobbit hole. He… … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Cotman Ash — The Rising Sun Inn Administration … Wikipédia en Français
Cotman v Brougham — Court House of Lords Citation(s) [1918] AC 514 Case opinions … Wikipedia
Cotman, John Sell — ▪ British painter born May 16, 1782, Norwich, Norfolk, England died July 24, 1842, London English landscape watercolourist (watercolour) and etcher of the Norwich school. He saw in nature the classic effect of precise, austere pattern and… … Universalium
Cotman — This is an interesting example of an Old English status name, here from the Middle English word cotter , a technical term of the feudal system for a serf or bond tenant, a villein who hold a cottage by labour service rather than by paying rent.… … Surnames reference
cotman — cot·man … English syllables
Cotman — /ˈkɒtmən/ (say kotmuhn) noun John Sell, 1782–1842, English watercolour painter …