- cicatricle
cicatricle [sik′ə trik΄əl]n.the protoplasmic disc in the yolk of an egg from which the embryo develops; germinal disc
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Cicatricle — Cic a*tri cle, n. [Cf. F. cicatricule, fr. L. cicatricula a small scar, fr. cicatrix a scar.] (Biol.) The germinating point in the embryo of a seed; the point in the yolk of an egg at which development begins. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cicatricle — [sik′ə trik΄əl] n. [< L cicatricula, dim. of cicatrix: see CICATRIX] the protoplasmic disc in the yolk of an egg from which the embryo develops; germinal disc … English World dictionary
cicatricle — ˈsikə.ˌtrikəl noun ( s) Etymology: Latin cicatricula small scar, diminutive of cicatric , cicatrix 1. : cicatrix 2b 2. : blastodisc * * * … Useful english dictionary
cicatricle — cic·a·tri·cle … English syllables
cicatricle — /ˈsɪkətrɪkəl/ (say sikuhtrikuhl) noun 1. Embryology the small blastodisc on the yolk of an unincubated bird s egg. 2. → cicatrice. {Latin cicātrīcula a small scar} …
cic|a|tric|u|la — «SIHK uh TRIHK yuh luh», noun, plural lae « lee». 1. a small cicatrix. 2. = cicatricle. (Cf. ↑cicatricle) ╂[< Latin cicātrīcula cicatricle] … Useful english dictionary
cicatrice — n. scar. ♦ cicatricial, a. ♦ cicatricle, n. small scar. ♦ cicatricose, a. scarred. ♦ cicatrize, v.i. & t. heal; grow over … Dictionary of difficult words
cicatrix — n. scar. ♦ cicatricial, a. ♦ cicatricle, n. small scar. ♦ cicatricose, a. scarred. ♦ cicatrize, v.i. & t. heal; grow over … Dictionary of difficult words