
Boc·che·ri·ni ('-rēʹnē, bŏk'ə-, bōk'-), Luigi. 1743-1805.
Italian composer noted for his chamber music and cello concertos.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Boccherini, Luigi — ▪ Italian composer Introduction in full  Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini   born Feb. 19, 1743, Lucca [Italy] died May 28, 1805, Madrid, Spain       Italian composer and cellist who influenced the development of the string quartet as a musical genre and… …   Universalium

  • Boccherini, Luigi (Rodolfo) — (19 feb. 1743, Lucca–28 may. 1805, Madrid, España). Compositor italiano. Como hijo de músico recibió una formación excelente y precoz y viajó por toda Europa como violonchelista. Obtuvo puestos en las cortes de Madrid y Prusia. Su prolífica… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Boccherini, Luigi — ► (1743 1805) Compositor italiano. Su obra es un buen exponente del estilo musical propio del rococó. Compuso cuatro conciertos para violoncelo, entre los cuales destaca el concierto en si bemol mayor; veinte sinfonías; más de cien cuartetos y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • BOCCHERINI, LUIGI —    a celebrated Italian musical composer, born at Lucca; was associated with Manfredi, the violinist; his works were numerous; appears to have lived in poverty and obscurity (1740 1805) …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Boccherini, Luigi (Rodolfo) — born Feb. 19, 1743, Lucca died May 28, 1805, Madrid, Spain Italian composer. Son of a musician, he received excellent early training and toured widely in Europe as a cellist. He held positions at the courts of Madrid and Prussia. His vast chamber …   Universalium

  • Boccherini — Boccherini, Luigi …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Boccherini — Luigi Boccherini Luigi Boccherini Luigi Boccherini vers 1765 1768 Naissance 19 février …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Luigi Boccherini — vers 1765 1768 Naissance 19 février 1743 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Luigi Boccherini — Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini Retrato anónimo de Boccherini tocando el violoncelo, c.1764 1767, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Luigi Boccherini — Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini (February 19, 1743 ndash; May 28, 1805) was a classical era composer and cellist from Italy naturalized Spanish, whose music retained a courtly and galante style while he matured somewhat apart from the major European… …   Wikipedia

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