
Balkans [bôlkənz]
countries of the Balkan Peninsula (Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, & the European part of Turkey) & Romania: also Balkan States

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also called  Balkan Peninsula 
 easternmost of Europe's three great southern peninsulas, comprising Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova.

      The Balkans are bordered by Italy on the northwest, Austria and Hungary on the north, Ukraine on the north and northeast, and Greece and Turkey on the south. The region is washed by the Adriatic Sea in the west, the Ionian Sea in the southwest, and the Black Sea in the east. In the north clear geographic delimitation of the Balkans becomes difficult, because the Pannonian Basin of the Great Alfold (Great Hungarian Plain) extends from central Europe into parts of Croatia, Serbia, and Romania. To the south Greece is primarily a Mediterranean country and therefore is not discussed in this articlealthough its northern regions of Epirus and Macedonia can be considered parts of the Balkans.

 The word Balkan is Turkish and meansMountain,” and the peninsula is certainly dominated by this type of landform, especially in the west. The Balkan Mountains lie east-west across Bulgaria; the Rhodope Mountains extend along the Greek-Bulgarian border; and the Dinaric range extends down the Adriatic coast to Albania. The region is bound in the north by the Julian Alps and by the Carpathians. Among these ranges extensive areas of good arable land are relatively scarce, though the valleys of the Danube, Sava, and Vadar rivers, eastern Bulgaria, parts of the Aegean Sea coast, and especially the Danubian Plain are exceptions. The mountains have a significant impact on the climate of the peninsula. The northern and central parts of the Balkans have a central European climate, characterized by cold winters, warm summers, and well-distributed rainfall. The southern and coastal areas, however, have a Mediterranean type of climate, with hot, dry summers and mild, relatively rainy winters.

      Ethnic diversity is one of the region's most characteristic social and political features. The most numerous of the groups is the South Slavs, who form the majority of the population in Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. The Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Slovenes speak their own Slavic languages, while the Slavs of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro all speak dialects of Serbo-Croatian.

      The peculiar nature identified withBalkanization”—that is, fragmentation of ethnic groupsderives in part from the compartmentalization brought about by this mountainous relief. But size is also an important determinant of the region's character, for its area is large enough to have provided important bases of occupation for the Byzantine and Turkish civilizations. Subjection to Eastern imperial forces isolated most Balkan societies from Western developments for almost two millennia and created feudal characteristics that persisted until World War I. After this war the viability of the relatively new Balkan states was threatened by political instability, ethnic division, worldwide economic depression, and the rise of the fascist states of Germany and Italy. After World War II, communism brought greater political stability to the Balkans, but at the cost of individual freedom, social and economic problems connected with rapid industrialization, and varying degrees of dominance by yet another outside power, the Soviet Union.

      At no point in history has it been easy to define the Balkans in any other than geographic terms. At times the peninsula has been divided along north-south lines, and at others the divisions have been east-west; what constitutes the Balkans has varied with time, as have the forces operating within the area. There are, however, some features of Balkan history that have remained consistent. These include the fluidity of ethnic groups, the inability of the peoples of the region to agree and cooperate among themselves, a tendency on the part of political authority to devolve to local levels as soon as central power is weakened, the influence of foreign powers, and the difficulty of introducing into the area concepts that have evolved in a different political and social context.

      This article covers the history of the region from antiquity to the ethnic turmoil of the late 20th century. An overview of the region's physical and human geography and of the history can be found in the article Europe. For discussion of physical and human geography of individual countries in the region, see Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Slovenia. Area 257,400 square miles (666,700 square km). Pop. (2002 est.) 59,297,000.


Illyrians and Thracians
      Archaeological evidence indicates that the Balkans were populated well before the Neolithic Period (New Stone Age; about 10,000 years ago). At the dawn of recorded history, two Indo-European peoples dominated the area: the Illyrians to the west and the Thracians to the east of the great historical divide defined by the Morava and Vardar river valleys. The Thracians were advanced in metalworking and in horsemanship. They intermingled with the Greeks (ancient Greek civilization) and gave them the Dionysian and Orphean cults, which later became so important in classical Greek literature. The Illyrians were more exclusive, their mountainous terrain keeping them separate from the Greeks and Thracians.

      Thracian society was tribal in structure, with little inclination toward political cohesion. In what was to become a persistent phenomenon in Balkan history, unity was brought about mostly by external pressure. The Persian invasions of the 6th and 5th centuries BC brought the Thracian tribes together in the Odrysian kingdom, which fell under Macedonian influence in the 4th century BC. The Illyrians, ethnically akin to the Thracians, originally inhabited a large area from the Istrian Peninsula to northern Greece and as far inland as the Morava River. During the 4th century BC they were pushed southward by Celtic (Celt) invasions, and thereafter their territory did not extend much farther north than the Drin River. Illyrian society, like that of the Thracians, was organized around tribal groups who often fought wars with one another and with outsiders. Under the Celtic threat they established a coherent political entity, but this too was destroyed by Macedonia. Thereafter the Illyrians were known mainly as pirates (piracy) who disturbed the trade of many Greek settlements on the Adriatic coast. The Romans were also affected and took police action, annexing much of Illyrian territory in the early 3rd century BC. An Illyrian kingdom based in modern-day Shkodër, Albania, remained an important factor until its liquidation by Roman armies in 168 BC.

In the Roman Empire (ancient Rome)
      The Romans were different from other major conquerors of the Balkans in that they first arrived in the west. Later attacks were launched from the southeast as well, so that by the 1st century AD the entire peninsula was under Roman control. At the height of Roman power, the Balkan peoples were the most united of any time in their history, with a common legal system, a single ultimate arbiter of political power, and absolute military security. In addition, a vibrant commerce was conducted along the Via Egnatia, a great east-west land route that led from Dyrrhachium (modern Durrës, Albania) through Macedonia to Thessalonica (modern Thessaloníki, Greece) and on to Thrace. The northwestern part of the peninsula, including Dalmatia along the Adriatic coast as well as Pannonia around the Danube and Sava rivers, became the province of Illyricum. What is now eastern Serbia was incorporated into Moesia, which reached farther eastward between the Balkan Mountains and the Danube all the way to the Black Sea. The southeastern part of the peninsula was ruled as Thrace, and the southern part was brought into Macedonia.

      The Romans largely regarded the Danube River as their northern frontier, but in the 2nd and 3rd centuries their authority was extended northward into Dacia, in what is now western Romania. Dacia had been the home of a people closely related to the Thracians. The Dacians had suffered invasion by a number of peoples, including the Scythians (Scythian), a mysterious people probably of Iranian origin who were absorbed into the resident population. In the 3rd century BC they managed to contain Macedonian pressure from the south, but in later years they were much less able to fend off Celtic invaders from the northwest. By the 1st century AD a substantial Dacian state extended as far west as Moravia and threatened Roman command of the Danube in the Balkans. The extension of the Dacian state and Dacian raids across the river into Moesia prompted the emperor Trajan in the first decade of the 2nd century to march into Dacia, obliterate the Dacian state and Dacian society, and establish a Roman colony that lasted until barbarian incursions forced a withdrawal back across the Danube beginning in 271.

      The abandonment of Dacia in the second half of the 3rd century was a symptom of Rome's decline, leading to major changes in the 4th century. In 330 the imperial capital was moved to Byzantium, so that any tribe intent on attacking the seat of Roman power and opulence would thenceforth move through the Balkans rather than into Italy. In 391 Christianity became the official religion, and in 395 the empire was divided in two. The dividing line ran through the Balkans: Illyricum went to the western sector under Rome; the remainder went to the eastern half and was ruled from Byzantium (by this time named Constantinople). This deep and long-lasting division did little to alleviate the barbarian incursions of the times. The 5th century saw devastation by, among others, the Alani, the Goths (Goth), and the Huns (Hun). Most of these invaders soon left or were assimilated, but such was not to be the case with the Slavs (Slav), who first arrived in the 6th century.

      The Slavs were settlers and cultivators rather than plunderers and within 100 years had become a powerful factor in the region. They separated into four main groups: Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, and Bulgarians (the last being a Turkic tribe, the Bulgars (Bulgar), that was eventually absorbed by Slavs who had already settled in the eastern Balkans). Although in 681 the Bulgars established their own state, the Slavs acknowledged the suzerainty of the emperor in Constantinople.

      In the second half of the 9th century, Christianity was adopted by the Bulgarians and the Serbs, both of whom chose the Byzantine rather than Roman (Roman Catholicism) variant of the new religion. To the north of the Danube, the Romanians, though not Slav, made the same choice, while the Croats, together with most of the rest of what had been Rome's section of the divided empire, became part of the western Christian community. The Albanians, isolated behind their mountain chains, were not much affected by either branch of Christianity. The divisions and competition between Rome and Constantinople intensified, with the two communities separating irrevocably in 1054. The dividing line of 395 was thus reinforced: the Croats and Slovenes became an integral part of Roman Catholic Europe, with its Latin script and culture, and the Serbs, Bulgarians, and Romanians joined the Greeks in their allegiance to Eastern Orthodoxy.

The Orthodox east
      Within the Orthodox world two monks, Cyril and Methodius (Cyril and Methodius, Saints), devised an alphabet that enabled their disciples to translate religious texts into Slavonic. This new alphabet enabled the establishment of a liturgical and literary language of the Balkans, but it also meant that, with Greek remaining in use in commerce and in the administration of the Byzantine Empire, the Orthodox world no longer had a common language that functioned as Latin did in the Catholic world. The lack of a universal language developed in part from a political assumption established at the very beginning of the Orthodox Christian world: that the church and the state were twin pillars of legitimate authority. Therefore, whenever a state separated from the Byzantine Empire, the impulse was for an accompanying church to be established. This association of state and church was intensified by the fear of invasion by non-Christians, a fear shared by state and church and ruler and ruled. Ruler and ruled were much less united, however, when social tensions aroseespecially when, as was frequently the case, these tensions found expression in support for religious heresies. Any sign of independent thinking within the church was persecuted as a danger to temporal as well as spiritual power, and this hindered the development of those forms of intellectual exchange that later proved vital to the flowering of intellectual life in the WestCatholic Croatia-Slavonia and Dalmatia included.

      The Byzantine state's military power, like that of the Slavic kingdoms that were eventually to challenge it, rested upon landlords who held property in return for furnishing an agreed number of troops in time of war. The Byzantines developed an extensive and highly corrupt civil service, and the imperial capital's wealth acted as a dangerous magnet, drawing ambitious Balkan leaders to it with disastrous results. There were recurrent conflicts between Constantinople and the first Bulgarian empire until the latter was crushed in the early 11th century. Although reinvigorated by its victory, the Byzantine Empire soon faced further threats. From the east came the Seljuq Turks, a Muslim people whose victory in the Battle of Manzikert (Manzikert, Battle of) in 1071 destroyed Byzantium's security in Anatolia. Some 125 years later the threat came from Western crusaders (Crusades), who in 1204 descended upon and seized the imperial capital, holding it until 1261. They also divided the empire into small fiefdoms, most of which lasted little longer than their first rulers. The Crusades had two profound effects upon the Balkans. In the first place the experience of Norman rule greatly intensified the hatred of the Eastern Orthodox against Westerners and Catholics. Second, the weakening of the empire allowed the Venetians to assume domination of seaborne trading in the eastern Mediterranean. The loss of both Anatolia and maritime supremacy deprived the empire of essential reserves of manpower, food, and wealthlosses that it could replenish only in its Balkan possessions.

      In the late 12th century, attempts to levy higher taxes led the Bulgarians (Bulgar) to revolt and establish a second empire, but this was soon enfeebled by costly wars and by the inability of the ruling Asen dynasty to control local notables. Byzantium's life was prolonged by these inadequacies and by the inability of the Slavs to unite. In the 14th century Bulgaria was eclipsed by the rising power of Serbia, where Stefan Dušan became king in 1331. This greatest of Serbia's medieval rulers left behind a legal code, drawn up in 1349, and a legacy of conquest that was legendary. He is also thought to have pondered the seizure of Constantinople, though by the time of his death in 1355 he had taken no positive action toward securing that goal.

The Catholic west
      Political stability and unity were no more apparent among the Catholic Balkan Christians than among the Orthodox. The Croats established their own kingdom in the 10th century under Tomislav but in 1102 agreed to become part of the Hungarian monarchy. In the 14th century there was a short-lived Bosnian kingdom under the Kotromanić dynasty, but it also joined Hungaryeven though Bosnia was less Catholic in its composition because many Bogomil heretics had taken refuge there.

      Hungary had already established its authority as early as the 11th century in Transylvania, where it introduced both Szeklers (Szekler), a Hungarian-speaking people, and German-speaking Saxons (Saxon). To the east the kingdoms of Walachia and Moldavia did not emerge until the 14th century; their preoccupations were less with the Turks than with the Hungarians and the Mongols.

The Ottomans (Ottoman Empire)

Conquest and rule
      While the various Balkan states fought among themselves for domination in the area, a new danger appeared in the south. In 1362 the Ottoman Turks took Adrianople (modern Edirne, Turkey). This was the beginning of their conquest of the Balkan Peninsulaa process that took more than a century. Serbia fell after the Battle of Kosovo (Kosovo, Battle of) in 1389, Bulgaria in 1396, Constantinople in 1453, Bosnia in 1463, Herzegovina in 1482, and Montenegro in 1499. The conquest was made easier by divisions among the Orthodox peoples and by the even deeper rift between the Western and Eastern Christians.

      Although the Albanians under Skanderbeg frustrated the Ottomans for a time (144368), the Ottomans marched ever northward. In 1526 they defeated the Hungarians in the Battle of Mohács (Mohács, Battle of), and three years later they sieged Vienna unsuccessfully. The Ottomans now controlled much of central as well as southeastern Europe, but in the northern and western areas their power was much diluted. Transylvania, Moldavia, and Walachia acknowledged the suzerainty of the sultan but managed their own internal affairsas did Montenegro, which was too mountainous to subduewhile the trading centre of Ragusa (modern Dubrovnik, Croatia) remained independent both de facto and de jure. The western periphery, including Croatia, was still open to the intellectual storms generated by the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, which did not much affect the central Orthodox areas.

      In these central areas the Ottoman conquest brought complete social and political revolution. The old aristocracy almost everywhere was removed from power, and it frequently was destroyed. The main exceptions were Bosnia and Albania, where many nobles converted to Islam (Islāmic world) and retained their land. In Bosnia the Bogomils (Bogomil), equally persecuted by Orthodoxy and Catholicism, had religious as well as material reasons for conversion. In almost all areas the Ottomans introduced the timar system, based on previous Byzantine practices. All land was owned by the sultanGod's representative on earthbut it was leased out to spahis (calvary corps members), who in return undertook to provide troops in proportion to the amount of land held. The peasants worked the land and thus generated income for the spahis, though in the first centuries of Ottoman rule taxation and other levies were usually lighter and more regular than they had been under Christian rule.

      The Ottoman authorities seldom exerted pressure on Christians to convert to Islam, though there were fiscal and legal benefits in doing so. Administratively, the empire was divided into millets (millet), each millet consisting of a single religious denomination. The religious leaders were made responsible for the collection of state taxes and for the maintenance of order within the religious community. Most Balkan Christians, being Orthodox, were members of the millet headed by the Greek patriarch in Constantinople. The taxes that they were required to pay included the devşirme, an occasional levy on male children who were taken from Christian households to be converted to Islam and trained as members of the administrative elite of the empire, including the military Janissary corps. Despite the horrors of such separation, there is evidence that children who rose high in the imperial service favoured their native areas.

Decline and retreat
      The devşirme was last levied in the 17th century, by which time the Ottoman Empire was in irreversible decline. After repelling a second attempt to take Vienna in 1683, the Austrians and then the Russians began to push back the sultan's frontiers. Following the Treaty of Carlowitz (Carlowitz, Treaty of) in 1699, Hungary, Croatia-Slavonia, and Transylvania reverted to the Habsburg crown, and, with the Treaty of Passarowitz (Passarowitz, Treaty of) in 1718, Austria regained the Banat of Temesvár. Immediately thereafter the Austrians invited the Serbs, who had been their recent allies, to settle in the border areas of the Habsburg lands as frontier guards; in return, the Serbs were allowed religious freedom. The Austrian Militärgrenze, orMilitary Frontier,” thus took the momentous step of introducing Orthodox Serbs into Catholic Croatian and Hungarian territory. Meanwhile, the Ottomans suffered further defeats throughout the 18th century. Through the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (Küçük Kaynarca, Treaty of) (1774), Russia exacted a promise of free navigation on the Danube and insisted on the right to protect Orthodox Christians in the empire.

      The empire's inflexibility accounts for much of its weakness. As the Ottoman system was officially regarded as the implementation on Earth of God's will, it could not be changed. This attitude was pervasive: administrative practices remained unaltered; guilds were set at prescribed numbers, and new ones were difficult to establish; most exports were technically illegal; and estate holders were not legally entitled to bequeath their estates to their heirs. Most of these regulations were evaded by corruption and bribery. At the same time, there was increasing trading in office, not least in tax farming. Under this system the right to collect taxes in a given area could be purchased from a government agency or from government officials. The government determined the amount of tax owed by each individual tax farmer directly to the government, and tax collectors were free to take as much as they could from the taxpayers and pocket the difference. Inevitably the burden of these increased costs was passed down to the peasant and to poor artisans in the towns.

      In Moldavia and Walachia the local nobility had adopted Greek culture, and it was partly through them that Greek influence was extended throughout the Orthodox church in the 18th century, leading to the abolition of the separate Serbian patriarchate in 1766 and of the autocephaly of the Bulgarian church in 1767. The subsequent appointment of Greek bishops and even priests in non-Greek areas caused great resentment; this was exacerbated by the increased trafficking in church offices during the century, which once again passed the costs of purchasing favours down the system until they fell ultimately on poor villagers and townspeople. On the land the high profits to be made from the sale (usually by technically illegal export) of cash crops such as cotton brought about the rise of the çiftlik, a commercially oriented estate whose owner was frequently an absentee landlord and whose peasants were tied to the land and subjected to harsh labour dues.

      In the last two decades of the 18th century, these factors combined with further encroachment by Austria and Russia to produce a virtual collapse of central governmental authority in the Ottoman Balkans. In many areas power lay not with Constantinople but with local warlords who had carved out their own fiefdoms, the most famous being the Albanian Ali Paşa Tepelenë of Janina (modern Ioánnina, Greece). In some instances these warlords provided some stability, but in most cases they exploited their subjects ruthlessly. Frustration over the weakness of central government rather than over its overbearing presence produced a Serbian uprising of 1804, the first successful Christian revolt against Ottoman rule.

Formation of nation-states
      While the 18th century in the Balkans was dominated by the steady decline of Ottoman power, the outstanding feature of the 19th century was the creation of alleged nation-states on what had been Ottoman territory. Because the emergence of national consciousness (nationalism) and the creation of nation-states were conditioned by local factors, each nation evolved in an individual way. Nevertheless, some general characteristics are discernible.

      The first is that external factors were the ultimate determinants. No Balkan people, no matter how strong their sense of national purpose, could achieve independent statehood, or even a separate administrative identity, without external support. Foreign military intervention on behalf of particular groups was common; Russia aided the Serbs and Bulgarians, while Britain, France (Francis Ferdinand, archduke of Austria-Este), and Russia intervened for the Greeks. The Romanians benefited from the wars of Italian and German unification, and Albanian independence would have been impossible had the Balkan states not smashed Ottoman power in Europe in the First Balkan War (Balkan Wars) (191213).

      External intervention came about after indigenous nationalist movements had evolved and eventually fomented unrest or even rebellion. These movements were financed to a large extent by internal wealth, butwith the exception of the peripheral areas of the Greek, Romanian, and Dalmatian landssuch wealth could not be generated until the region had returned to a level of stability that allowed agriculture, trade, and manufacturing to flourish. This situation was not achieved until the 1830s, after the empire had been rocked by the Napoleonic and Russian invasions, the Romanian revolt of 1821, the War of Greek Independence (Greek Independence, War of) (182132), and the suppression of the Janissaries in 1826. Even the Serbs under Karadjordje (“Black George”) and Miloš Obrenović had only a limited form of autonomy until the 1830s. With the return of relative calm, trade in cloth, animals, copperware, and other goods increased rapidly. Guilds accumulated excess funds and used them to enhance local villages or towns, many of which saw new churches, clock towers, or covered markets in the 1830s and thereafter. The guilds and individual merchants also endowed schools or financed individual scholars to study in Russia, central Europe, or the great educational establishments that appeared in Constantinople. Sometimes wealth was generated by national communities outside what became the national territory of a particular people; for example, the pig merchants of Serbia were not as wealthy as the richest of their Serb trading partners in the Habsburg lands, while the most successful Bulgarian merchants of Constantinople or the Romanian principalities lived in greater opulence than did those in the cloth towns along the foothills of the Balkan Mountains.

Creating a national identity
      In the Balkans the formation of the state was subsequent to and consequent upon the emergence of a national movement. In the early years of the 19th century, even among the semiliberated Serbs and Romanians, there was little sense of national identity outside a very small circle of the native intelligentsia. The creation and dissemination of a sense of national identity was usually the work of national apostles who pointed back to more glorious years. In Bulgaria, for example, the monk Paisiy of Khilendar chronicled the glories of the medieval tsars and saints. In the same way, Serbs were reminded of the achievements of Stefan Dušan, and Albanians looked back to the exploits of Skanderbeg. But the echoes of history would not have resonated had a sense of national identity, however weak and apolitical, not somehow been preserved during the long centuries of Ottoman domination.

      One medium for the preservation of national identity had been folklore (folk literature) and folksong. It was these, and especially the epic narrative poetry of Serbia, that had kept alive the memory of Dušan, Skanderbeg, and others. Some told of the exploits of the armed bandits who appeared in most Balkan landsthe klephts, haiduks, and armataloi; these were usually no more than brigands, but, because they discomforted the authorities, they, like Robin Hood in England, were given the characteristics of folk heroes. A sense of national identity also owed its survival to the fact that Ottoman power was concentrated in the towns. The villages were still largely Christian, and here Christian customs survived largely unaffected by the new dominant religion. Also, the Ottomans frequently left the administration of villages in the hands of villagers; this was especially the case in communities entrusted with special functions, such as guarding a pass, supplying water to an imperial palace, or even providing birds for the sultan's falconry. In these self-governing villages, the habits of and the taste for self-administration were acquired, and here too a native leadership cadre was born.

      Religion played an integral part in preserving national identity. Even in the first, violent years of their conquest, the Ottomans seldom touched monasteries, where relics, icons, books, and other cultural treasures were zealously guarded. In the churches the survival of ancient liturgies provided continuity with the non-Muslim past, while even the millet system performed the invaluable function of preserving administration in the native language. Serbian, and even more so Bulgarian, national awareness first became noticeable among the mass of the peasant population in the 18th century when the Greek patriarchate forced Greek bishops and even priests on Serbian and Bulgarian communities.

      Religion could differentiate a Roman Catholic from an Orthodox just as effectively as an Orthodox from a Muslim. In Transylvania before 1848, for example, there was growing dissatisfaction among Orthodox Romanians, who were excluded by the Austrian rulers from the three recognized nationsSaxons (Saxon), Szeklers (Szekler), and Magyars (Hungarians (Hungarian))—and from the four officially sanctioned religionsCatholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, and Uniate.

      The banner of the first small groups of national apostles was taken up by new disciples, and they in turn spread the ideas of national identity, particularly through education and the literacy that it bred. Education took place not only in schools but also, in many areas (particularly Serbia and Bulgaria), inreading-rooms”—though this English translation does not convey the full meaning of the chitalishte, an institution that not only provided books and newspapers but also organized education for adults and staged plays, debates, and discussions. Nor was it by any means always the case that the new schools were culturally exclusive; in Bulgaria, at least in the early years of the national revival, many subjects were still taught in Greek. Thus, national reawakening was hindered in its early years by the lack of unified national alphabets or literary languages. Indeed, the Albanians had neither until the first decade of the 20th century.

Forging the state
      Once the national movements had reached fruition and foreign intervention had taken place, external forces again played a major part in determining the nature of the states that were to be createdthough this was less the case with Montenegro and Serbia, which emerged earlier and more gradually than the other states. In all cases the new states were required by the European powers to be monarchies, andagain with the exception of Serbia and Montenegrothey were also required to accept nonnative dynasties. All states except Serbia and Montenegro underwent a change of dynasty, and almost all ended with a minor German princeling on the throne. (Albania was the exception, because it began with a German and ended with a native prince.) The Great Powers also played an important part in determining legal and constitutional structures, usually with the intention of protecting minority rights, as with the Muslims of Bulgaria and the Jews of Romania.

      Once established, the new Balkan states, both before and after World War I, attempted to build political and economic structures based upon those that had evolved in the West. However, their endeavour was hampered by their own histories, which had produced societies and psyches much different from those to the west. Population shiftswhich inside western Europe had ceased in the 10th centurycontinued in the Balkans into the 20th century. The Roman and Byzantine empires had suffered constant incursion, and Saxons, Szeklers, and Swabians had been brought into Transylvania to help repair the depredations of the Mongols and other invaders. After the Ottoman conquest Muslims (Islāmic world) had moved into Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Macedoniasome of them migrants from Anatolia, others former prisoners of war or freed slaves, and still others simply converts. When the Russian armies withdrew north of the Danube after the Russo-Turkish War of 182829, thousands of Bulgarians left with them, settling eventually in southern Bessarabia; and after the Crimean War the sultan's government settled 100,000 to 250,000 Muslim Circassians (Circassian), who otherwise would have been included in Russia, as a defensive force on the northern fringes of the Ottomans' Balkan possessions.

      Further ethnic relocations and atrocities perpetrated by both Ottoman forces and Christian rebels occurred during the process of liberation, and, after the creation of the nation-states, Muslims left in large numbers. Some of these were driven out by force during or immediately after liberation, but many more left voluntarily in subsequent decades. Many Muslims could not adapt to a system in which they were no longer the privileged element. Now that Islamic law did not have automatic supremacy over other legal codes, Christian women could walk freely unveiled in the streets, and mosques could be secularized and turned to profane usage. Even worse, in most new nation-states Muslims were conscripted into the new armies, in which, even if they did not have to wear the cross on their uniforms, they could not escape having to endure Christian holidays and rituals. Those who left were both peasant and landlord. In Moldavia and Walachia, Muslims were forbidden to own landed property, and in other countries they were subject to a land tax. Previously, Muslims had paid taxes on what they produced rather than what they owned, and, because they customarily left up to a third or half of their land fallow, the shift to a tax based on possession rather than production was a considerable burden. As large numbers of Muslims emigrated, fewer remained to pay for and manage schools and other Muslim institutionseven though some of the latter were maintained by vakifs, estates left in perpetuity for this purpose.

      There were ethnic shifts (human migration) for all major religious groups. After the creation of the Bulgarian state in 1878, not only did Muslims leave, but Christian refugees arrived from Macedonia and Thrace. Jews (Jew) suffering discrimination in Russia moved into Bessarabia, Moldavia, and Walachia throughout the 19th century, and Armenians (Armenian) fleeing the appalling massacres of the 1890s found safety in Bulgaria. After the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, many Muslims moved into Macedonia and Thrace. After the Balkan Wars of 191213, the flood of refugees (refugee) between Greece and Anatolia led to the first of a series of population-exchange agreements, and there were similar agreements between Bulgaria and Greece after World War I.

      At times the creation of independent states exacerbated ethnic problems. The complexities of the ethnic map made it impossible to draw state boundaries that entirely coincided with ethnic divisions and thus created minority problems that were to plague the region for generations. There was a further complication in that the new boundaries frequently interrupted established patterns of economic, social, and cultural activity. For many generations Vlach shepherds had driven their flocks from region to region in the centre of the peninsula, just as Bulgarians had traditionally driven their sheep to market in Edirne or Constantinople. These established activities became more difficult when new state boundaries were established. Traditional fairs, for generations the established medium for the exchange of many products, were also disrupted. In some instancesfor example, when the Albanian state was created in 1913new borders separated villages from their summer pastures or, even more seriously, cut them off from a favourite shrine, church, or monastery. Similarly, new frontiers often separated monasteries from distant properties on whose income they relied. These problems arose from the creation of supposedly modern states in areas where social and economic conditions were far from modern.

      The task of creating Western-style modern states was made more difficult by the lack of capital. With the exception of Romania, where commercialized, export-oriented agriculture was widely developed, most of formerly Ottoman Europe was dominated by small, self-sufficient peasant proprietors. They generated little surplus capital, and, until the end of the 19th century, those peasants or merchants who did have surplus funds found that moneylending provided much higher rates of return than did any form of productive investment. Meanwhile, financial sophistication was so limited that double-column bookkeeping was hardly known. Thus, these states were dependent on the external, developed world for capital and commercial expertise, as well as for arms and for manufactured goods, though such dependence did not necessarily lead to political subservience.

      In the late 19th century, Balkan peasants suffered from a fall in world food prices. The situation was made worse in that, because income from the sale of agricultural produce was declining, governments were less willing to rely upon the tithe as a major form of taxation. Coming at a time when peasant cash incomes were falling and indebtedness was widespread, the decision to require that taxes be paid in cash produced considerable tension. This tension in turn led to outbursts of unrest, to the formation of cooperatives, and, subsequently, to the development of the agrarian political parties that were to play a significant role in most Balkan states after World War I.

      In their political evolution the Balkan states saw strong pressures toward centralization and toward the strengthening of executive as opposed to legislative powers. These trends frequently clashed with the populace's political instincts, particularly in Serbia and Bulgaria, where local power, frequently vested in the village and its elders, had served as a cushion against Ottoman pressure and had been one of the means by which national identity had been preserved. Consequently, much of the constitutional instability that afflicted 19th-century Serbia derived from clashes between the new royal authorities in Belgrade and local village chieftains. Likewise, Alexander of Battenberg (Alexander I), the first prince of Bulgaria, attempted to reconstruct Sofia's municipal council in 1879 and was told that not even the Turks would have dared to do that.

      Political participation in all Balkan states soon became restricted to a small segment of the population. The large landowners had a great influence on the politics of Romania before World War I and on Albania after it, but in all countries the intelligentsia was also actively engaged. A distinction emerged, however, between that part of the intelligentsia that remained politically independent and the part that became linked to the ruling apparatus through the system of clientism and jobbery (public corruption) that soon affected the entire peninsula. This development had deleterious effects on the Balkan states. It lured a substantial part of the intelligentsia into state office in return for political obedience and thereby corrupted some of the ablest citizens by leading them to close their eyes to abuses of power. Corruption in turn produced a widening rift between the peasants and those who wielded power; throughout the Balkans it was commonly observed that the worst oppressor was the peasant who had only just entered the ranks of the influential.

      Influence and wealth could be acquired in the bureaucracy, which before 1914 expanded steadily in all states except Montenegro and Albania, but the same goals could also be pursued in the army. The military became a significant factor in Bulgaria after the deposition of Prince Alexander in 1886 and in Serbia after the overthrow of the Obrenović dynasty in 1903. In Romania the military played a less-prominent role in political power brokering, but it was an avenue for social advancement. After World War I and even during the years of communist domination after World War II, the army remained a powerful factor in the political affairs of all states.

      The Balkan states emerged separately and at different times. Although their freedom of action was limited by the Great Powers, they all had claims to further territory that they considered theirs by ethnic or historic right, and notions of Balkan union or solidarity were therefore rare and transitory. The Serbs toyed with such ideas in the 1860s, and the Balkan states did manage to cohere long enough in 191213 to destroy what was left of Ottoman power in the peninsula. But fleeting cooperation soon gave way in 1913 to recrimination and bloody conflict. Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece were unable to agree upon a division of Macedonia, and they clashed again over the same issue in 1914.

The world war period

      No Balkan state wished to become embroiled in World War I, even though it was precipitated by the assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne by a Bosnian Serb nationalist who worked in collusion with elements in the Serbian secret police. To Austria (Austria-Hungary)'s ultimatum of July 1914, Serbia sent an abject reply, accepting most of the demands and offering to submit the most unreasonable ones to international arbitration. Once conflict had been forced upon the peninsula, Montenegro declared war with reluctance in early August, Bulgaria stood aside until committing itself to the Central Powers in September 1915, Romania was not persuaded to join the Allied Powers until 1916, and Albania was powerless to avoid partitioning by the warring parties. Moreover, the Balkans were not a major theatre of operations. The Central Powers finally subdued Serbia after their second onslaught, launched in 1915. In that same year the Allies sent their ill-fated expedition to Gallipoli in the Dardanelles (Dardanelles Campaign), and in the autumn of 1916 they established themselves in Salonika. However, their armies did not move from the latter location until toward the end of the war, when they marched up the Danube to become the main instrument of Allied authority in south-central Europe in the immediate postwar years.

      Nevertheless, although they may have had no desire for the conflict, the Balkan states and peoples could not escape its consequences. All suffered serious economic dislocation, and the mass mobilization resulted in severe casualties, particularly in Serbia. In less-developed societies the impact of total mobilization was felt in other ways. The requisitioning of draft animals, for example, caused severe problems in villages that were already suffering from the enlistment of young men, and many recently created trade connections were ruined.

Greater Romania and Yugoslavia
      In the 19th century, state formation in the Balkans occurred when the region's Christian population induced foreign intervention to secure its separation from Ottoman power. This process had not been allowed to penetrate into the Habsburg and Russian empires, however, and these retained their own territories and interests in the BalkansRussian aspirations concentrating on Constantinople and the Dardanelles and Austria-Hungary's thought to be in securing Salonika. World War I destroyed those two empires. The future of their Balkan possessionsCroatia-Slavonia, Dalmatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Vojvodina, Slovenia, Bukovina, the Banat of Temesvár, Transylvania, and Bessarabiahad to be decided by delegates at the Paris Peace Conference (191920), not in gradual and piecemeal fashion but altogether and immediately. Because the population of Transylvania, the Banat, Bessarabia, and Bukovina was predominantly Romanian, the bulk of these areas were included in the Romanian kingdom. Most of the remaining areas were predominantly Serbo-Croatian speaking and became constituent parts of the new triune Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.

      Inevitably the settlements could not completely follow ethnic lines of division. The Banat and the Vojvodina were very mixed in ethnic composition; Transylvania had substantial Hungarian and German minorities; Bessarabia and Bukovina had many Jewish and Ukrainian inhabitants; the Slovenes did not speak Serbo-Croatian, and neither did the Macedonians or the Albanians of Kosovo. The rationale for including so many minorities in these new states was that it was impossible to draw proper lines of division in such an ethnic kaleidoscope, that larger states would be more economically viable than smaller, more ethnically homogeneous ones, and, more important, that the large states would be more effective barriers against Russian and Hungarian bolshevism. It was also hoped that serious minority problems would be avoided by requiring all states in the area to sign minority-protection treaties that guaranteed the civil rights of all citizens, irrespective of ethnicity.

Problems of integration
      In the years immediately after World War I, the Balkans experienced instability and insecurity. Political extremists exploited the political unrest caused by mass demobilization and a return to civilian production. As the chief threat to the newly emerging order was believed to be that of Russian bolshevism, it was not surprising that communist parties had been outlawed in all Balkan states by the end of 1925.

      There were also immense long-term difficulties in uniting the previously disjointed territories. Where railway networks existed, they served the needs of the old empires rather than the new states; those in the former Russian areas even had a different gauge. In addition, legal codes and taxation systems had to be unified, and common currencies had to be forged. The latter process was made difficult in the early postwar years by rampant inflation, which was caused not least by the new governments' spending beyond their means to create or extend the state machinery.

      The problems of integration were made much more complex by the fact that the territories involved were differentially developed. The Ottoman conquest had deeply divided the Balkans, those areas under the sultan's authority being subject to different laws, to different social customs, and to a system that adapted painstakingly slowly to economic change. The states that emerged from Ottoman dominationSerbia, Albania, Bulgaria, and, to a lesser extent, Romaniawere therefore less developed and poor. Into them were now merged former Russian or Austro-Hungarian territories, some (though not all) of which were more developed. Slovenia, Croatia, and Transylvania had more developed intelligentsias, more efficient and honest bureaucracies, an emerging economic infrastructure, and extensive and frequently profitable trade links with other parts of the empire. These relatively prosperous and advanced areas were now subjected to political cultures that they could regard only as more primitive and less honest. Furthermore, those political cultures were becoming more inclined to centralism rather than the devolution that the new provinces would have preferred. Herein lay the origin of many of the problems that beset interwar Yugoslavia and Romania.

      One issue that was settled with relative ease was land reform. Land redistribution was very much the order of the day, not least because the new governments were convinced that the peasants would be forced into the arms of the communists if the great estates were not broken up. The Romanian government delivered on its promise of land reform as soon as the war was over; the new Yugoslav government passed similar legislation, as did that of Bulgaria, where nearly all land, except church and monastic properties, was already peasant-owned. In the former Habsburg and Russian territories, land reform had clear ethnic overtones. The dispossessed aristocracy belonged primarily to the former dominating elements: German, Hungarian, or Russian; the new owners were predominantly from the formerly subject groups: Croat, Romanian, Ukrainian, and Slovenethough poor Magyar or German peasants were also allowed a share of the redistributed property. The process of redistribution was not equally enforced; it frequently created resentment and perpetrated injustice, and it was perhaps of questionable economic value. Nevertheless, it was a social and political necessity in the climate of the early 1920s, and in many ways the ordered reallocation of property, with compensation to the previous owners, was a considerable achievement for the Balkan regimes.

      With the exception of Albania, internal stability was achieved by the mid-1920s. However, stability came at the cost of stronger central authorities, a trend that was to intensify in the following decade. International relations also stabilized. From the early 1920s until the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the Balkan states enjoyed a large degree of freedom from foreign influence and interference, owing to the disappearance of the Habsburg and Russian empires and the neutralization of the Dardanelles. The fascist Italy of dictator Benito Mussolini did try to extend its influence in the eastern Adriatic, but it was not strong enough to attempt unilateral territorial expansion. The dangers from the other revisionist states, Hungary and Bulgaria, were controlled by the Little Entente, an alliance of Romania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia created in 192021 and backed by the French. Sources of interstate tension did remain, not least over the ultimate destiny of Macedonia, but there was a presumption that international disputes would be contained by the newly formed League of Nations (Nations, League of). Although the League of Nations would later falter, it was able to contain the bitter dispute between Bulgaria and Greece in 192526.

      Both internal and external stability were destroyed by the great economic crisis of 192932. As exporters of primary produce, the Balkan states suffered immediately. From 1929 to 1933 the value of Albanian imports and exports fell by three-fifths and two-fifths, respectively; the corresponding figures for Bulgaria were three-fourths and more than one-half, for Romania three-fifths and one-half, and for Yugoslavia by about two-thirds for each.

      The Great Depression had a universal impact. By forcing agricultural prices down more rapidly than those of manufactured goods, it caught Balkan peasants in a price scissors that featured a widening gap between the rising costs of imports and the shrinking farm income available to pay for them. Previously, with credit easily available, interest rates low, and markets for produce seemingly assured, peasants who had benefited from land redistribution had borrowed not only frequently but heavilyand not only for the purchase of implements, seed, and stock but also for consumption. In Yugoslavia no more than one-fourth of the sums borrowed in the 1920s were used for productive purposes. When the depression came and exports fell, peasants were often unable to earn enough to pay interest on their loans and redeem the capital; yet, as the economic climate worsened, banks put more and more pressure on them to do so. At the state level the policy of the 1920s of borrowing foreign capital to cover trade deficits now became impossible, because export earnings could no longer be guaranteed to service any further loans. The weakness of an agrarian economy in a world dominated by industrial production had been devastatingly revealed.

      The depression highlighted another structural weakness in the Balkans: population growth. Between 1920 and 1939 the population of Albania increased by 16.3 percent, Bulgaria by 32.3 percent, Romania by 28.2 percent, and Yugoslavia by 31 percent. Before World War I the pressures of population growth had been relieved by emigration and by the presence in most areas (Romania excluded) of surplus land to be brought into cultivation. In the interwar period that was less and less the case. As the population grew more rapidly in the countryside than in the towns, the Balkans became an area of intense rural overpopulation and underemployment. It has been estimated that some 25 percent of the Romanian and Bulgarian and 40 percent of the Yugoslav rural population were not needed for the levels of production then being obtained. In many areas the prevailing practice was to divide inheritances, so that population growth without massive emigration to cities or abroad meant a diminution in the size of individual holdings. For example, although 12 acres (5 hectares) was generally regarded as the minimum necessary to maintain an average family, that was the maximum size of the smallholdings that accounted for two-thirds of landownership in Yugoslavia in the early 1930s.

      In response to the depression, the Balkan governments followed three general policies: cost reduction, debt alleviation, and market monopolization. Cost reduction, which had only a limited effect, was attempted through subsidies for new technology, the spread of more information on efficient farming, and the encouragement of greater cooperation. Debt alleviation was more successful in containing the worst social impact of the rising indebtedness caused by the depression. Measures taken included a limitation of or a ban upon foreclosures, the postponement of payments, the reduction of interest rates, and the translation of rural debts into long-term loans at low and fixed interest rates. Some debts were also reduced; in Yugoslavia a number of them were even liquidated, with the government compensating the lenders. Nevertheless, the restriction of debt payments by governments acted as a disincentive to potential internal and external investors. Market monopolization was attempted early as Bulgaria, Romania, and Yugoslavia established state trading organizations that aimed to stabilize farm incomes by monopolizing the purchase and sale of cereal grains. In subsequent years these organizations extended their control over other products.

Political extremism and World War II
      The social crisis that flowed from the depression acted as a powerful stimulus to authoritarianism. Primarily, it was the monarchs who exercised such authority, and even the one native fascist movement of any strength, Romania's Iron Guard, did not take power until King Carol II had been humiliated by the forced cession of territory to Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union in 1940. Royal power grew because the other political forces had been neutralized: the old right had been discredited by the war and its social base undermined by the land reforms; the urban left had been powerless since the mid-1920s; and the agrarians had become disunited. In addition, the army had been neutralized in Yugoslavia in 1917 and in Bulgaria in 193536; in Albania and Romania it had never enjoyed the same power.

      The depression fueled the rise to power of Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf) in Germany, and his advent caused the Balkan states to consider measures for their collective security. In 1934 Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, and Romania signed the Balkan Entente, which attempted to guarantee the independence of the signatories. Despite strong efforts to bring Bulgaria into the fold, no government in Sofia dared state openly that it accepted the Treaties of Paris as permanentthe price demanded for inclusion in the Entente. The movement toward Balkan unity therefore achieved little more than a series of agreements to cooperate in such matters as hygiene and sports.

      The Balkan Entente had been intended to unite the governments of the region to such a degree that collectively they would be able to resist pressures from outside powers. A much more powerful force worked in the opposite direction. The depression had left most Balkan economies without export markets for their agricultural produce. The Germans, even before Hitler, provided such a market, but only under stringent conditions. Germany would buy primary products, often at prices well above world levels, but would deposit the purchasing money in closed accounts in Berlin; the money could be used only to purchase German-manufactured products. Theseblocked markagreements worked well for tobacco, grains, meat, and meat products but not for industrial products, such as Romanian oil or Yugoslav copper, which could command decent prices on the open market. Nevertheless, the blocked mark agreements brought a huge increase in German arms sales to the Balkans, which in turn enhanced German political influence in the region.

      Despite the growing German influence, the Balkans were not lured into the Nazi camp. Quite to the contrary, as in World War I, the Balkan states showed great reluctance to become involved in the developing confrontation between the European powers. After the incorporation of Austria into the German Reich in March 1938, however, Germany shared a border with Yugoslavia, and the pressures on the Balkan states increased immeasurably. By 1939 Italy was able to march into Albania without resistance from any power, great or small.

      The German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of August 1939 enabled the two countries to partition northeastern Europe, but they soon fell out over the Balkans. By late 1940, as the German presence in Romania grew ever greater, the Soviets (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) were demanding that the eastern part of the peninsula fall under their sphere of influence and that they be allowed to establish naval bases on the Bulgarian coastan obvious stepping stone to Istanbul and the Dardanelles. Given the experience of the Baltic states, this was not an attractive proposition for the Bulgarians; in March 1941 they signed Hitler's Tripartite Pact. Later in the same month, a military coup d'état moved the Yugoslavs in the opposite direction, and it was the prospect of a hostile Yugoslavia, which could so easily have linked up with any British intervention in Greece, that brought Hitler to the decision that he had to invade. Yugoslavia was destroyed in a matter of weeks in April 1941; Greece, after having put up a strong resistance to the Italians, followed a few weeks later.

      Under Hitler's domination Yugoslavia disappeared. Its territorywith the exception of Croatia, which became a nominally independent entitywas partitioned among Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Bulgaria. Although Hitler had done nothing to prevent the loss of Bessarabia, Bukovina, the southern Dobruja, and northern Transylvania in 1940, Romania aligned itself with Germany. After joining the attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, it received as its reward Bessarabia and Transnistria, as it called territory that it occupied to the east of the Dniester River as far as the Southern Buh. Bulgaria did not enter the war against the Soviet Union, but it did declare war on both Britain and the United States. The entire region was subjected to the needs of the German war economy, and Nazi policies were imposed in other areas.

       World War II, like all other major historical events, brought about changes in the Balkan ethnic map. In all territories occupied by any Balkan state since the fighting began, the Nazis insisted upon carrying out the Final Solution, the mass extermination of Europe's Jewish population. In the two technically independent states of Bulgaria and Romania, however, local governments refused to apply these measures in areas that they had controlled before expansion. After the war most of the surviving Jews (Jew) left these states for Israel or the West. By contrast, the Independent State of Croatia launched an all-out attack on both Jews and Serbs. Of the latter, it was said, one-third would be converted to Roman Catholicism, one-third expelled, and one-third exterminatedand the Croatian Ustaše showed every sign of taking such predictions seriously. Immediately after the fighting, thousands of Germans left, as did large numbers of Hungarians and other minorities.

       resistance movements in the Balkans varied greatly in strength and purpose. In Romania there was no opportunity for resistance to build up gradually as the Soviet Red Army advanced, but in Bulgaria the vast majority of acts of resistance occurred in the months before troops crossed the border in September 1944. In Albania and, especially, Yugoslavia, the resistance movements were much more complex in that they were characterized by dual campaigns. In the first campaign competing resistance groups fought alone or, on occasion, in concert to secure liberation; in the second campaign they fought one another even more viciously in order to determine the nature of the liberated state and society.

      In Yugoslavia, Dragoljub (Draža) Mihailović (Mihailović, Dragoljub)'s Chetniks (Chetnik) desired a restoration of a monarchy ruling over a country dominated by Serbia. Their strategy was to equip and train a resident force that would stage a full-scale uprising when the Allied armies approached. Until then, it was argued, resistance fighters could inflict little real damage on the occupiers, whose fearsome retributions would do real and lasting harm to the Serb nation. The communist-dominated Partisans (Partisan), on the other hand, created a standing army that established itself in the remote mountains, particularly of western Bosnia. Led by Josip Broz (Tito, Josip Broz) (a communist of mixed Croat-Slovene origin, who took on the nom de guerre Tito), they waged a constant struggle, arguing that the retaliations taken by the Germans would in the long run force all Yugoslavs into the ranks of the resisters. In areas under their control, the Partisans instituted wide-ranging social reforms that indicated clearly the form of society they wished to create after the war. They also declared their intention to create a federal state in which each nation would enjoy equal rights. Nevertheless, in Yugoslavia, as in most Balkan countries, the decisive factors were not internal but external. In the internal struggle between Chetniks and Partisans, the latter were massively aided by Britain's decision to switch logistic support from Mihailović to Tito, and in the end it was the Red Army that liberated Yugoslavia.

      The Soviet liberation of the Balkans had a major impact on the region's postwar political complexion. Some anticommunists in the Balkans had hoped that Anglo-American forces might land in the peninsula, but these hopes were dashed by the Allied landings in Italy, southern France, and Normandy (Normandy Invasion). By October 1944 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Churchill, Sir Winston) was using the Balkans as a bargaining chip in his attempts to secure a better working relationship with the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (Stalin, Joseph). At Churchill's suggestion it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have dominant influence in Romania and Bulgaria while the West would enjoy the same advantage in Greece. Yugoslavia and Hungary were to be shared equally, and Albania was not even mentioned. Although it has been a matter of intense debate as to how long Churchill intended these agreements to remain in force, they helped to establish the communist authority that was to dominate the Balkans for nearly the next half century.

      After World War II, Albania and Yugoslavia almost immediately fell to the communists, who owed their victory to their strength within the resistance movements and to the disengagement of the Western powers from the region. In Romania and Bulgaria the communists moved more cautiously and slowly than in Albania and Yugoslavia, but by the end of 1947 they had gradually eliminated all opponents from the army, the noncommunist trade unions, the civil service, and the other political parties.

Questions of federation
      It seemed that, for the first time in many generations, the Balkans would be united, and once again it was an external forcethis time Soviet communismthat was the dominant influence. The more optimistic of the communists hoped that this new, ideologically homogeneous Balkan region would also be one that was more clearly defined. In the north it would include Romania and the Roman Catholic areas of Yugoslavia but not Catholic Austria; in this way the old dividing lines between Catholic and Orthodox Europe, between the former Habsburg and Ottoman lands, would be discarded. There were still frontier disputes with Austria over Carinthia and, more seriously, with Italy over Trieste, but the communist optimistsowing to the resoluteness of Titohoped to incorporate Trieste. They also hoped that communists would be successful in the civil war in Greece and thereby enable that country to be integrated into the new Balkans.

      These dreams were dashed, however, as were dreams that ideological conformity would produce political unity. Although a broad Balkan federation was more seriously discussed than at any previous time, it failed to materialize. The dominant internal force in the region was Tito's Yugoslavia, which viewed Balkan federalization as a process in which new units would be added to the six republics that constituted the new, federal South Slav state. The Bulgarians refused to accept this, instead anticipating that such a federation would be the coming together of two equal partners, Yugoslavia and Bulgariaor three partners, if Romania could be included. Most Albanians too had reservations about being absorbed into a Belgrade-dominated federation. Predictably, however, an external factorStalin (Stalin, Joseph)—was decisive in the eventual outcome. By 1947 he had decided that Tito was becoming too powerful within the communist empire and that he should not be allowed too great an extension of his influence. Moscow vetoed Balkan federation, and in 1948 Yugoslavia was expelled from the Soviet communist camp.

Establishing the power of the party
      Yugoslavia's expulsion from the Soviet bloc did not lead it to abandon communism. Initially, Tito held fast to his interpretation of Marxism-Leninism, and thus a unity of policy was preserved. All the Balkan states pushed down the path of agricultural collectivization, rapid urbanization, and industrialization. Also, despite doctrinal differences between Belgrade and the pro-Soviet leaders in the other capitals, there was a general uniformity of political and social practices. The communist takeovers had seen the elimination, usually by the most brutal of methods, of the communists' political opponents. Once communist power had been established, party control was imposed over every aspect of life through the existing mechanisms of the political police, through a nomenklatura system that gave local party leaders a stranglehold on all important or rewarding jobs, and through mass social organizations such as trade unions, Soviet friendship societies, and women's and youth groupsall of which were ultimately controlled by the communists. Within a brief period there were few adult citizens whose lives were not ultimately dependent on the goodwill of the party.

      An integral part of the consolidation of communist authority was a series of purges that first affected the party itself and then spread to encompass the whole society in a mesh of terror and intimidation. In Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania those who suffered were likely to be dubbednational deviationistsorTitoists”; in Yugoslavia they wereCominformists,” or those who wished to subordinate national sovereignty to the wider interests of the international communist movement run from Moscow. In all cases the purges served to intimidate both the party and the population at large into inactivity while collectivization and industrialization precipitated widespread social change and tension. Among those particularly at risk during the purges were individuals who had connections with organizations outside the communist bloc. Protestant churches suffered heavily, as did the Roman Catholic church when it was not too entrenched an institution to tackle. Societies such as the Boy Scouts, the Rotarians, and even the Esperantists, which had maintained contact with similar organizations in the West, were condemned and disbanded, with their leading members usually imprisoned or placed in forced labour camps. All this meant that the Balkans were more isolated from the West than at any other time since the height of Ottoman power in the 16th century.

Pulling back from Moscow
      Isolation from the West was coupled with increasing Soviet influence. The Soviet Union sent thousands of advisers to work on construction projects and in the armies, civil services, railways, parties, andabove allsecret police forces of the Balkan states. The Soviet model was copied in education, culture, the military, and all other aspects of public life. In Bulgaria two individual letters were dropped from the alphabet to make it appear more like Russian. In Romania there were furious and hardly convincing efforts to show that Romanian was a Slav language, and in Bessarabia (which had been reincorporated into the Moldavian (Moldova) S.S.R.) the Romanian language was now printed in Cyrillic. The national economies were not only refashioned on the Soviet model but also subordinated to Soviet needs. This subordination was particularly true for Bulgaria and Romania, which, as defeated powers in World War II, were forced to sign disadvantageous trade agreements with the Soviet Union and had to agree to the creation of so-called joint-stock companies.

      Despite such initial ideological unity, the Balkans rapidly reverted to their customary divisions. Even before the split of 1948, the Yugoslavs, though remaining rigidly loyal to Marxist-Leninist ideas, had balked at many aspects of the Soviets' patronizing and domineering behaviour. They had successfully resisted attempts by Stalin to set up joint-stock companies, and they were perplexed at the Soviet demand to place its agents in a country and a party that had proved themselves loyal to Stalin, the Soviet Union, and socialism. Even after 1948 Tito continued to insist that he had broken with the Cominform but not with socialism. Although Yugoslavia soon accepted American aid, its Stalinist economic and police policies were not diluted until the early 1950s. After that, with his introduction ofsocialist self-managementand his leadership in the nonaligned movement, Tito sought to plot a middle way between the two opposing poles of the Cold Warthough his basic commitment to socialism was never in doubt.

      Albania was next to leave the Soviet fold. Albanian nationalism had already reacted unfavourably to Yugoslav plans for union, and, after the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich)'s rapprochement with Tito in 1955, the Albanian party leader Enver Hoxha (Hoxha, Enver) became disillusioned with Moscow as well. Beginning in 1961, Albania found support from the Kremlin's new rival, China.

      Romania broke loose in the early 1960s. Soviet plans to introduce a division of labour in the socialist economies through the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (commonly known as Comecon) would have made good many of the faults of Stalinism, which had produced autarkic economies in each Balkan state, but they also would have required Romania's economy to remain predominantly agricultural and thereby would have slowed social evolution and progress toward full communism. Romania therefore switched to a more nationally oriented policy that was well received by the majority of its skeptical population and provided the regime with much-needed legitimacy. Thereafter, Romania could not forgo its nationally oriented policies, but once again commitment to socialism was never in doubt. Unlike Albania, Romania remained a member (albeit a maverick one) of the Warsaw Pact, a Soviet-led military alliance formed in 1955.

      These deviations from the Soviet line made Bulgaria the sole Balkan country to maintain loyalty to and conformity with Soviet policies. Yet the Soviets could tolerate this situation because the Balkan Peninsula was declining in strategic importance. The major land confrontation with the West would now take place, it was assumed, in Germany, while the delivery systems of modern long-range weapons diminished the significance of the Dardanelles as a naval asset.

Economic collapse and nationalist resurgence
      Although the communist Balkan states differed in many respects, there were similarities. When the regimes had settled into place, nepotism appeared in Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania: after Hoxha's death in 1985, his wife continued to exercise considerable influence; Todor Zhivkov (Zhivkov, Todor) gave his daughter control of cultural affairs and, at the end of his years in power, was attempting to move his son up the party ladder; in Romania, Nicolae Ceauşescu (Ceaușescu, Nicolae) and his wife placed at least 40 relatives in prominent party and state posts.

       nationalism also came to dominate the affairs of all states. Initially, many observers thought that the advent of communist party rule had at last solved the issue of nationalism. In Romania a new autonomous region was created for the Hungarians, and in Bulgaria minorities enjoyed unprecedented freedom in education, publishing, and culture. In Yugoslavia cooperation between the constituent republics was smooth and effective, and Serb-Croat relations were never closer than immediately after the signature in 1954 of the Novi Sad agreement, by which the writers unions of the two republics (organizations that could not act without official approval) agreed to cooperate in literary and linguistic matters.

      The new cooperation created a misleading image. Resentments and hostilities were concealed rather than removed. Thousands of Turks were expelled from Bulgaria as their land was collectivized, and many Roma (Rom) (Gypsies) were expelled with them. In Yugoslavia internal harmony flowed more from the fear of Cominform intervention than from the burying of old hatchets. By the 1960s other difficulties had become apparent. For example, in the immediate postwar years the Bulgarian communists had acknowledged the existence of a Macedonian minority in their country and had even been prepared to cede parts of Bulgaria to a separate Macedonia that would be part of a broader Balkan confederation. However, after the split between Tito and Stalin, there was an immediate reversal in Sofia, so that by the early 1960s severe penalties were imposed on anyone making a public display of Macedonian (Macedonia) identity. In Romania the Hungarian autonomous region was gerrymandered out of existence in 1960, the Hungarian revolt of 1956 providing Bucharest's leaders with an excellent excuse to increase central control over this minority. For other minorities there were increasing restrictions, and they were in any case becoming more aware that official toleration had been extended to them primarily to make indoctrination more effective; Bulgarian Turks (Turkic peoples), for example, could easily obtain the works of Marx or Stalin in Turkish, but not the Qurʾān.

      The nationalist issue was complicated by economic factors. By the mid-1960s it was clear that the economic system was in need of reform. This was in part because the first stage of socialist construction, based on extensive development and the building of a heavy industrial base, was nearing completion. The next would be based more on technological innovation and on the satisfaction of consumer needs. In 1965 the Yugoslavs went ahead with a radical reform program that was intended to move the economy towardmarket socialismby allowing the private ownership of small businesses, abolishing many price controls, and requiring larger enterprises to compete more directly with one another and with foreign companies. Meanwhile, the Romanians sought ways to make themselves less dependent on the rest of the Soviet bloc, and the Bulgarians initiated a number of changes, only to be frightened off by the conservative climate that followed the suppression of the Prague Spring, a period of liberal social and economic reforms, in 1968. Other reform programs followed in the late 1970s and early '80s.

      The salient feature of all the major reform initiatives throughout the Balkans was that they failed. Promises of increased standards of living could not be kept, which fatally compromised the prevailing Marxist-Leninist ideology. By the mid-1960s there were few adherents to the old ideology, but the power structure remained, and those who benefited from it were determined to maintain it. Needing to find an alternative means to legitimacy, they instead chose nationalism. In foreign affairs each state emphasized its individual approach, while in domestic policy pressures on minorities were intensifiedBulgaria forcing Roma and then Pomaks (Bulgarian-speaking Muslims) to adopt Bulgarian names and the Romanian government subjecting Hungarian and German speakers to ever-greater assimilationist pressures.

      The use of nationalism as a legitimizing factor in the communist state was possible only where that state was a true nation-state, such as in Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania. In Yugoslavia, however, attempts to create a sense of Yugoslav identity had only limited success. In all eastern European states, the communist takeovers had brought to power individuals who were not only ideologically committed but uncharacteristically young and therefore not well educated. After 20 years of communist domination, another and much-better-educated generation had emerged only to find that most of the rewarding and influential jobs were occupied by people who, though less qualified than they, had 20 more years to serve before retirement. In all states this was a source of tension and one more reason for the regimes to seek enhanced legitimization, but in Yugoslaviaespecially Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovinatension was made worse by the fact that the first generation of rulers recruited during the Partisan struggle contained a disproportionate number of Serbs. By the 1960s the fear of Soviet pressure, which had been a unifying force in Yugoslavia immediately after the split of 1948, was no longer felt, and it was revived only momentarily in August 1968 by the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. Moreover, reforms in the 1960s had allowed Yugoslavs to travel abroad, and many had gone to work in western Europe. These people returned not only with German marks and American dollars but also with greater expectations of freedom, national as well as individualexpectations that could only be heightened by moves toward liberalization and decentralization in the new Yugoslav constitution of 1963. At the same time, with an increasing inflow of hard currency, the northern republics grew resentful of the obligation to lodge most of this money in the federal bank in Belgrade. Such centrifugal pressures could not go unnoticed for long, and, indeed, by 1968 the Croatian party had become dominated by nationalist communistswho were then purged by Tito.

 Yugoslav devolutionists were granted concessions in the 1974 constitution, which gave the party of each constituent element of the federation much greater authority in its own area. For the most part, interference from without was prevented, and in this way the Yugoslav republics became fiefdoms ruled by native barons in much the same way that the other Balkan states were ruled by their national parties. This compartmentalization became a fundamental feature of Yugoslav stability for the next decade. It was in his rejection of this convention by revoking the autonomy of Kosovo in 1989 that the Serbian party leader Slobodan Milošević (Milošević, Slobodan) upset Yugoslavia's already fragile peace. (By the turn of the 21st century, he had definitively destroyed the idea of Yugoslavism.)

 The transition from authoritarianism to democracy in the Balkans was punctuated in many areas, particularly in Yugoslavia, with civil war. By December 1990 both Croatia and Slovenia had voted for autonomy and the Serb minority in Croatia had sought to unite with Serbia. That same month Serbians elected the fiery nationalist and ex-communist Milošević president, and he launched a campaign aimed at unifying the Serbs for the first time since the great migration into the Habsburg empire at the end of the 17th century. Croatia and Slovenia both declared their independence on June 25, 1991; Macadeonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina soon followed; and, as fighting erupted over disputed territories of mixed population, the presidents of the six republicsSerbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegrofailed to revive the loose confederation. To stem the conflict the United Nations dispatched some 15,000 UN peacekeepers (mostly British and French) and devised a plan that would have divided Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia into a crazy quilt of cantons based on local ethnic majorities. However, the plan pleased no one, and fighting escalated amid atrocities and evidence ofethnic cleansingby the Serbs.

      By the mid-1990s Slovenia was independent and at peace, and Macedonia, protected by a small international force, was admitted to the UN under the name (in deference to Greek sensibilities) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Croatia controlled almost all its putative territory, including the Dalmatian coast. What remained of Yugoslavia included Serbia, Montenegro, and portions of Bosnia and Herzegovina inhabited or claimed by Bosnian Serbs, including a corridor stretching almost to the Adriatic Sea. The would-be state of Bosnia was strangled within this noose as the fighting between Serbs, Bosnian Serbs, Muslims, and Croats shifted from Sarajevo to Goražde to Bihać. Each time a truce seemed near, fighting broke out anew, until a 1995 peace accord created a loosely federalized Bosnia and Herzegovina divided roughly between a Bosniac- (Muslim-) Croat federation and a Serb republic. In Kosovo in February 1998, wide-scale fighting erupted between Serbs and ethnic Albanians when Milošević ordered troops into the province to regain territory controlled by the Kosovo Liberation Army. To bring about Serbia's withdrawal, the following year the North Atlantic Treaty Organization launched a bombing campaign against Serbia, forcing Milošević to accept a peace plan jointly sponsored by Russia, the European Union (EU), and the United States. In 2000 Milošević was defeated in presidential elections by Vojislav Koštunica, and he was later arrested and extradited to The Hague to stand trial for war crimes.

      The new Yugoslavia, now composed of only Serbia and Montenegro, attempted to rebuild its shattered society and economy, while the independent states of Bosnia and Herzogovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Slovenia sought closer ties with the countries of the EU. However, secessionists in Montenegro soon pushed for independence from the new Yugoslavia, against the wishes of the international community, which feared that further political instability might rekindle the destructive forces that were unleashed in the early 1990s. In 2002 the EU brokered an agreement between the leaders of Yugoslavia, Serbia, and Montenegro that called for the formation of a loose federation, called Serbia and Montenegro, which would have a single federal policy on defense, foreign affairs, and trade but would grant each republic autonomy in most other policy areas and enable either republic to hold a referendum on independence after three years. The agreement was ratified by the federal parliament and the Serbian and Montenegrin assemblies in 2003, effectively erasing Yugoslavia from the map. Three years later, after Montenegrins approved a referendum on independence, Serbia and Montenegro disbanded the federation and became independent republics. Meanwhile, the future status of Kosovo remained uncertain; the ethnic Albanian majority there desired independence, but Serbia emphatically opposed it. Kosovo formally seceded from Serbia in February 2008. The United States and most members of the EU supported the move, but Serbia and Russia refused to recognize Kosovar independence.

      Outside Yugoslavia, secession from a large federation also brought independence to the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, the majority of whose inhabitants were ethnic Romanians. This did not bring union with Romania, however, which would have angered Moldova's own minoritiesparticularly the Russians. In Romania itself an ingrained fear of the security police produced a short and intense civil war. A similar development in Albania, where terror and deprivation had been as great, was only just avoided. Only in Bulgariawhere, for ethnic Bulgarians at least, the last years of communist rule had been relatively benignwas a peaceful transition achieved.

      The various Balkan states thus found different paths out of socialism but faced similar problems when they emerged. The vast subsidized and hugely inefficient heavy industrial plants in which communist propagandists had taken such pride were now virtually useless. Their products, many of which had previously been sold in thesoftSoviet and eastern European markets forsoftcurrencies, were too low in quality and too high in price to survive in a competitive market. Widespread unemployment was the not-surprising consequence. Furthermore, the old communist-inspired industries left another and potentially even more dangerous legacy: environmental pollution on a prodigious scale.

      In all postcommunist states except Serbia, the solutions to economic problems were expected to be found in a market economy and in eventual association with the EU (European Union). International agencies such as the World Bank and the International Monetary (International Monetary Fund) Fund promised financial help for the new Balkan regimes but required an economic transformation, as the states were expected to privatize their industries and agriculture, remove government subsidies, and restrain public expenditure. The social costs of these adjustments were enormous. Restricting public expenditure meant limiting social security funds just when unemployment and inflation were taking their heaviest toll. In this context constructing an open, pluralist system that tolerated minority groups (ethnic group) was a daunting task.

      There were other challenges as well. As in the past, the Balkans had little more to export than food, raw materials, and agricultural productsthe very items against which the EU's tariffs discriminated most sharply. But even less promising was the obvious alternative: membership in a Black Sea zone sponsored by Turkey. Such an association would align the Balkan states with a less-developed area; it would divide them from the rest of Europe; and, most uncomfortable of all, it would turn the peninsula back toward Istanbul. Ever since the Slavs (Slav) settled in the Balkans, they had attempted to restrict the power of that great city on the Bosporus, yet no sooner had they emerged from Byzantine rule than the Ottomans appeared and reestablished Eastern domination of the peninsula. From the end of the 18th century, centrifugal forces, spearheaded by Balkan Christian nationalism, gained greater strength, but the weakness of this movement was its inability to resolve differences between its own different nationalities. Domination first by central European fascism and then by Russian socialism followed, and, when these powers collapsed in turn, the Balkan peoples were no closer to union and faced the same dangers that had plagued them throughout the period they had occupied the peninsula.

Richard J. Crampton Ed.

Additional Reading
The best single-volume English-language history of the area is Edgar Hösch, The Balkans: A Short History from Greek Times to the Present Day (1972; originally published in German, 1968); a longer version in German is also available, Geschichte der Balkanländer, rev. ed. (1988). Prehistory and antiquity of the western Balkans are covered in John Wilkes, The Illyrians (1992). Georges Castellan, History of the Balkans: From Mohammed the Conqueror to Stalin (1992; originally published in French, 1991), is also useful. John R. Lampe and Marvin R. Jackson, Balkan Economic History, 15501950: From Imperial Borderlands to Developing Nations (1982), provides a detailed treatment replete with many tables. Barbara Jelavich, History of the Balkans, 2 vol. (1983), an excellent introductory history, concentrates on the 18th20th centuries and political evolution. Byzantium and the early Slav states are described in Dimitri Obolensky, The Byzantine Commonwealth: Eastern Europe, 5001453 (1971, reissued 1982), a standard treatment of Balkan history from the arrival of the Slavs to the fall of Constantinople, including chapters on religion and on art; Francis Dvornik, The Slavs in European History and Civilization (1962, reissued 1992); A.P. Vlasto, The Entry of the Slavs into Christendom: An Introduction to the Medieval History of the Slavs (1970); and John V.A. Fine, Jr., The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century (1983, reissued 1991), and The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest (1987, reissued 1994).Works on the Ottoman period include Halil Inalcik and Donald Quataert (eds.), An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire: 13001914 (1994); Peter F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe Under Ottoman Rule, 13541804 (1977); L.S. Stavrianos, The Balkans Since 1453 (1958, reissued 1965); Charles Jelavich and Barbara Jelavich (eds.), The Balkans in Transition: Essays on the Development of Balkan Life and Politics Since the Eighteenth Century (1963, reprinted 1974), one of the few English sources dealing with the social structure of the Balkans in the Ottoman period; and Bruce McGowan, Economic Life in Ottoman Europe: Taxation, Trade, and the Struggle for Land, 16001800 (1981).The formation of the modern states is chronicled in Charles Jelavich and Barbara Jelavich, The Establishment of the Balkan National States, 18041920 (1977, reissued 1986). The period between the two world wars is treated by Hugh Seton-Watson, Eastern Europe Between the Wars, 19181941, 3rd ed. rev. (1967); and Antony Polonsky, The Little Dictators: The History of Eastern Europe Since 1918 (1975). Robert Lee Wolff, The Balkans in Our Time, rev. ed. (1974), remains one of the best and most detailed treatments of the Balkans in the critical period from the end of World War II to the consolidation of communist power. Christopher Cviic, Remaking the Balkans (1991), is the first attempt to assess the impact of the fall of communism on the area.Richard J. Crampton John B. Allcock

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