
baaskap or baasskap [bäs′käp΄]
Afrik < baas (see BAAS) + MDu - scap, -SHIP
the policy of absolute domination of the native peoples by white settlers in South Africa: cf. APARTHEID

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • baaskap — or baasskap [bäs′käp΄] n. [Afrik < baas (see BAAS) + MDu scap, SHIP] the policy of absolute domination of the native peoples by white settlers in South Africa: cf. APARTHEID …   English World dictionary

  • baaskap — baas|kap or baass|kap «BAHS kahp», noun. the policy of domination of nonwhite peoples by whites in the Republic of South Africa during the time of apartheid. ╂[< Afrikaans baaskap] baaskap or baasskap apartheid, = apartheid. (Cf. ↑apartheid) …   Useful english dictionary

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  • baass|kap — baas|kap or baass|kap «BAHS kahp», noun. the policy of domination of nonwhite peoples by whites in the Republic of South Africa during the time of apartheid. ╂[< Afrikaans baaskap] baaskap or baasskap apartheid, = apartheid. (Cf. ↑apartheid) …   Useful english dictionary

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