Arts and Crafts (movement)
- Arts and Crafts (movement)
a social and artistic movement of the second half of the 19th cent.
emphasizing a return to handwork,
skilled craftsmanship,
and attention to design in the decorative arts,
from the mechanization and mass production of the Industrial Revolution: also written Arts and Crafts Movement
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Arts and Crafts Movement — [ ɑːts ənd krɑːfts muːvmənt] das, englisch Bewegung zur Reform des Kunsthandwerks im 19. Jahrhundert. Sie ging von W. Morris aus, der 1861 mit Architekten und präraffaelitischen Malern eine Gesellschaft zur Herstellung kunsthandwerklicher… … Universal-Lexikon
Arts and Crafts (movement) — n. a social and artistic movement of the second half of the 19th cent. emphasizing a return to handwork, skilled craftsmanship, and attention to design in the decorative arts, from the mechanization and mass production of the Industrial… … English World dictionary
Arts and Crafts (movement) — n. a social and artistic movement of the second half of the 19th cent. emphasizing a return to handwork, skilled craftsmanship, and attention to design in the decorative arts, from the mechanization and mass production of the Industrial… … English World dictionary
Arts and Crafts Movement — The Arts and Crafts Movement was a British, Canadian, and American aesthetic movement occurring in the last years of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century. Inspired by the writings of John Ruskin and a romantic idealization of… … Wikipedia
Arts and Crafts Movement — a movement, originating in England c1860 as a reaction against poor quality mass produced goods, that sought to revive earlier standards of workmanship and design, conceiving of decoration and craftsmanship as a single entity to be applied to the … Universalium
Arts and Crafts Movement — Artischocken Tapete von John Henry Dearle für William Morris Co. um 1897 Das Arts and Crafts Movement war eine englische Bewegung in der Kunst und insbesondere im Produktdesign. Sie entstand in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts und wurde maßgeblich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arts and Crafts Movement — Movimiento social y estético inglés de la segunda mitad del s. XIX, cuyo nombre significa Movimiento de Artes y Oficios, dedicado al restablecimiento de la importancia de la artesanía en una era de mecanización y producción en serie. El nombre… … Enciclopedia Universal
American Arts and Crafts Movement — Craftsman style bungalow in San Diego, Kalifornien. Craftsman Stil Häuser sind häufig in älteren Stadtvierteln von vielen amerikanischen Städten. American Arts and Crafts Movement oder amerikanische Craftsman Style, ist ein Stil in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
(the) Arts and Crafts Movement — the Arts and Crafts Movement [the Arts and Crafts Movement] a social and artistic movement in Britain in the second half of the 19th century, led by William Morris and John Ruskin. Following the ↑Industrial Revolution, when more and more thi … Useful english dictionary
Arts and Crafts Movement — noun a movement which emphasised simplicity of design and the use of handmade products in areas such as the arts, architecture, and furniture making; originated in Britain in the mid 19th century in reaction to the mass production of goods… …