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also called  Amber 

      town, east-central Rajasthan (Rājasthān) state, northwestern India. Amer is part of the Jaipur urban agglomeration and is noted for its magnificent palace. The town is entirely surrounded by hills and stands at the foot of a rocky gorge. Amer was made the capital of the state of the Kachwaha Rajputs (warrior rulers of the historical region of Rajputana) in the 12th century and for 600 years continued to be a political centre. Its name is derived from Ambarisha, the king of Ayodhya; its full name was Ambarikhanera, but this was later contracted to Ambiner or Amber. The official name, however, is Amer. The palace, an example of Rajput architecture, was begun about 1600 and was the royal residence until the capital was transferred to Jaipur in 1728. The palace's Mughal-influenced architecture includes the maharaja's apartments, a hypostyle hall, and several temples, all grouped around an imposing courtyard. Jaigarh fort stands on a hill summit overlooking the town.

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