
alcidine [al dīn΄, alsədin]
ModL alcidinus < ON alka, AUK
belonging to a family (Alcidae) of diving shorebirds that have a stocky body, short tail and wings, and webbed feet, as the puffins and murres
alcid [alsid]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • alcidine — [al′sə dīn΄, al′sədin] adj. [ModL alcidinus < ON alka, AUK] belonging to a family (Alcidae) of diving shorebirds that have a stocky body, short tail and wings, and webbed feet, as the puffins and murres alcid [al′sid] n …   English World dictionary

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  • alcid — /al sid/, adj. 1. Also, alcidine /al si duyn /. of, pertaining, or belonging to the family Alcidae, comprising the auks, murres, puffins, etc. n. 2. a bird of the family Alcidae. [ < NL Alcidae name of the family, equiv. to Alc(a) an auk genus (… …   Universalium

  • puffin — /puf in/, n. any of several alcidine sea birds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda, having a short neck and a large, compressed, grooved bill, as F. arctica (Atlantic puffin), of the North Atlantic. [1300 50; ME poffoun, poffin, puffon (cf. AL… …   Universalium

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  • puffin — [puf′in] n. [ME poffin < ? assoc. by folk etym. with PUFF, because of the enormous beak or blown up appearance of the young] any of various northern alcidine shorebirds (esp. genus Fratercula) black above and white below, with a short neck,… …   English World dictionary

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