Abu al-Qāsim

Abu al-Qāsim
Abu al-Qāsim [ä bo͞oäl sim]
(L. name Albucasis) 936?-1013?; Arab surgeon & medical encyclopedist, in Spain: also Abul Kasim [ä boolsim]

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Muslim physician and author
also spelled  Abul Kasim , in full  Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn ʿAbbās az-Zahrāwī , Latin  Albucasis 
born c. 936, , near Córdoba [Spain]
died c. 1013

      Islām's greatest medieval surgeon, whose comprehensive medical text, combining Middle Eastern and Greco-Roman classical teachings, shaped European surgical procedures until the Renaissance.

      Abū al-Qāsim was court physician to the Spanish caliph ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān III an-Nāṣir and wrote At-Taṣrīf liman ʿajazʿan at-Taʾālīf, or At-Taṣrīf (“The Method”), a medical work in 30 parts. While much of the text was based on earlier authorities, especially the Epitomae of the 7th-century Byzantine physician Paul of Aegina, it contained many original observations, including the earliest known description of hemophilia. The last chapter, with its drawings of more than 200 instruments, constitutes the first illustrated, independent work on surgery.

      Although At-Taṣrīf was largely ignored by physicians of the eastern Caliphate, the surgical treatise had tremendous influence in Christian Europe. Translated into Latin in the 12th century by the scholar Gerard of Cremona, it stood for nearly 500 years as the leading textbook on surgery in Europe, preferred for its concise lucidity even to the works of the classic Greek medical authority Galen.

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Universalium. 2010.

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