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zooplastic — adjective of, or relating to zooplasty … Wiktionary
zooplastic — adj. pertaining to transplantation of living animal tissues into human beings … English contemporary dictionary
zooplastic — zōoplasˈtic adjective (Gr plassein to form) relating to zōˈoplasty, the operation of transplanting living tissue from one of the lower animals to humans • • • Main Entry: ↑zoo … Useful english dictionary
zooplasty — zooplastic, adj. /zoh euh plas tee/, n. Surg. the transplantation of living tissue to the human body from an animal of another species. Also called zoografting. [ZOO + PLASTY] * * * … Universalium
zooplasty — zooplastic, adj. /zoh euh plas tee/, n. Surg. the transplantation of living tissue to the human body from an animal of another species. Also called zoografting. [ZOO + PLASTY] … Useful english dictionary
Graft — Healthy skin, bone, or other tissue taken from one part of the body to replace diseased or injured tissue removed from another part of the body. For example, skin grafts can be used to cover areas of skin that have been burned or surgically… … Medical dictionary
zoograft — A graft of tissue from an animal to a human. SYN: animal graft, zooplastic graft … Medical dictionary
zooplasty — Grafting of tissue from an animal to a human. SYN: zoografting. * * * zoo·plas·ty (zoґo plast″te) [zoo + plasty] zoografting. zooplastic adj … Medical dictionary
zooplasty — /ˈzoʊəplæsti/ (say zohuhplastee) noun the transplanting of living tissue from a lower animal to the human body. {zoo + plasty} –zooplastic /zoʊəˈplæstɪk/ (say zohuh plastik), adjective …