- zazen
zazen [zä′zen′]n.Zen meditation practiced in a sitting position
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za·zen (zäʹzĕnʹ) n.Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism.[Japanese : za, to sit down (from Middle Chinese dzua) + zen, silent meditation; see Zen.]* * *
The disciple sits in a quiet room, breathing rhythmically and easily, with legs fully or half crossed, spine and head erect, hands folded one palm above the other, and eyes open. Logical, analytic thinking is suspended, as are all desires, attachments, and judgments, leaving the mind in a state of relaxed attention. The practice was brought to prominence by Dogen, who considered it not only to be a method of moving toward enlightenment but also, if properly experienced, to constitute enlightenment itself. See also koan.* * *
in Zen Buddhism, seated meditation. The instructions for zazen direct the disciple to sit in a quiet room, breathing rhythmically and easily, with legs fully or half crossed, spine and head erect, hands folded one palm above the other, and eyes open. Logical, analytic thinking should be suspended, as should all desires, attachments, and judgments, leaving the mind in a state of relaxed attention.The most outstanding advocate of zazen was the 13th-century Zen master and founder of the Sōtō sect in Japan, Dōgen. He considered zazen not only to be a method of moving toward enlightenment but also, if properly experienced, to constitute enlightenment itself. See also koan.* * *
Universalium. 2010.