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Whitelist — A whitelist is a list of accepted items or persons in a set. This list is inclusionary, confirming that the item being analyzed is acceptable. It is the opposite of a blacklist which confirms that items are not acceptable. Most commonly, these… … Wikipedia
whitelist — 1. noun A list or collection of people or entities that are known, trusted, or explicitly permitted. Ant: blacklist 2. verb To place on a whitelist; to mark or note a person or entity as trustworthy or acceptable. The email program allows you to… … Wiktionary
Whitelist — Eine Weiße Liste oder Positivliste (engl.: whitelist) bezeichnet im Gegensatz zu einer Schwarzen Liste (blacklist) unter anderem Personen, Unternehmen und Elemente, die nach Meinung der Verfasser der Liste per se vertrauenswürdig sind.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
whitelist — (WYT.list) v. To place a name, e mail address, Web site address, or program on a list of items that are deemed spam or virus free. Also: white list, white list. Example Citation: So how do we start fixing [spam]? Clearly, technical approaches are … New words
whitelist — whiteˈlist noun A list of people, organizations, etc that are regarded with approval transitive verb To put on a whitelist • • • Main Entry: ↑white … Useful english dictionary
whitelist — v. (Computers) make a list of names or e mail addresses or programs or Website addresses that are believed to be safe and virus free or spam free … English contemporary dictionary
whitelist — /ˈwaɪtlɪst/ (say wuytlist) Computers –verb (t) 1. to filter out (an unwanted email) by means of anti spam filtering software. –noun 2. the list of email addresses which the software will accept. {modelled on blacklist} –whitelisting, noun …
whitelist — A list of names of employees and domestic servants of the various embassies and legations from foreign countries, prepared by the Protocol Division of the State Department. Trost v Tompkins (Mun Ct App Dist Col) 44 A2d 226 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Automated Whitelist — An Automated Whitelist is a whitelist which was created and/or is maintained by a system that analyzes bi directional email. Use by Anti Spam Systems An Automated Whitelist is a whitelist which is created or maintained by a system that monitors… … Wikipedia
MisterWiki/VF — Usuario:MisterWiki/VF Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Página principal de Vandal Fighter • Manual del usuario • Reportes de bugs • Solicitud de Requerimientos • Versiones anteriores de Vandal Fighter • Notas de desarrollo… … Wikipedia Español