Ward,Mary Augusta Arnold

Ward,Mary Augusta Arnold
Ward, Mary Augusta Arnold. Known as Mrs. Humphry Ward. 1851-1920.
British writer whose novels include Robert Elsmere (1888).

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  • WARD, Mary Augusta, (Mrs Humphrey Ward), (1851-1920) — novelist was born at Hobart, on 11 June 1851. Her father, Thomas Arnold (1823 1900), the second son of Arnold of Rugby, came to Tasmania early in 1850 and organized its primary education. There he met and married in June 1850 Julia Sorell,… …   Dictionary of Australian Biography

  • Mary Augusta Arnold Ward — noun English writer of novels who was an active opponent of the women s suffrage movement (1851 1920) • Syn: ↑Ward, ↑Mrs. Humphrey Ward • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mary Augusta Ward — For other people named Mary Ward, see Mary Ward (disambiguation). Mary Augusta Ward Born Mary Augusta Arnold 11 June 1851(1851 06 11) Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Died …   Wikipedia

  • Ward — Ward, 1) James, engl. Maler, geb. 23. Okt. 1769 in London, gest. 23. Nov. 1859 in Cheshunt, war vornehmlich als Tierzeichner, aber auch als Schlachten und Genremaler tätig. Viele seiner Zeichnungen mit Tieren sind durch den Stich bekannt,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ward — [wôrd] 1. Artemus [ärt′ə məs] (pseud. of Charles Farrar Browne) 1834 67; U.S. humorist 2. Mrs. Humphry (born Mary Augusta Arnold) 1851 1920; Brit. novelist, born in Tasmania …   English World dictionary

  • Ward, Mrs. Humphry — ▪ British writer née  Mary Augusta Arnold  born June 11, 1851, Tasmania died March 24, 1920, London       English novelist whose best known work, Robert Elsmere, created a sensation in its day by advocating a Christianity based on social concern… …   Universalium

  • Ward — /wawrd/, n. 1. (Aaron) Montgomery, 1843 1913, U.S. merchant and mail order retailer. 2. Artemas /ahr teuh meuhs/, 1727 1800, American general in the American Revolution. 3. Artemus /ahr teuh meuhs/, (Charles Farrar Browne), 1834 67, U.S. humorist …   Universalium

  • Ward — [[t]wɔrd[/t]] n. 1) big (Aaron) Montgomery, 1843–1913, U.S. mail order retailer 2) big Artemus (Charles Farrar Browne), 1834–67, U.S. humorist 3) big Barbara (Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth), 1914–81, British economist, journalist, and… …   From formal English to slang

  • Mary Ward Centre — The Mary Ward Centre, previously the Mary Ward Settlement, is an adult education college located in London. It was founded by Mary Augusta Ward as the Passmore Edwards Settlement, financed by John Passmore Edwards …   Wikipedia

  • Arnold Sandwith Ward — (1876 – 1950) was a journalist and Conservative Member of Parliament for the United Kingdom constituency of Watford between 1910 and 1918.Son of Humphry Thomas Ward, a fellow and tutor of Brasenose College and Mary Augusta Ward, a popular… …   Wikipedia

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