Voroshilov,Kliment Efremovich

Voroshilov,Kliment Efremovich
Vo·ro·shi·lov (vôr'ə-shēʹlôf', -ləf), Kliment Efremovich. 1881-1969.
Soviet military and political leader. He fought in the civil war (1918-1920) following the Russian Revolution of 1917 and later served as a member of the politburo (1926-1960) and as commissar for defense (1925-1940).

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  • Voroshilov — /vawr euh shee leuhf/; Russ. /veuh rddu shi leuhf/, n. 1. Kliment Efremovich /klyi myent yi frddye meuh vyich/, 1881 1969, Soviet general: president of the Soviet Union 1953 60. 2. former name of Ussuriisk …   Useful english dictionary

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