Ureotelic — refers to an organism that excretes excess nitrogen as urea [ [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cgi bin/omd?ureotelic Definition: ureotelic from Online Medical Dictionary ] ] . Humans can be described as being Ureotelic organisms.References … Wikipedia
ureotelic — [yoo rē΄ə tel′ik, yoor΄ē ətel′ik] adj. [< UREA + TELIC] designating those animals, as mammals or fish, that excrete most of their waste nitrogen in the form of urea in the urine: cf. URICOTELIC … English World dictionary
ureotelic — Excreting nitrogen primarily in the form of urea. [ureo + G. telos, end] * * * ureo·tel·ic yu̇ .rē ə tel ik, .yu̇r ē ō adj excreting nitrogen mostly in the form of urea <ureotelic mammals> ureo·te·lism tel .iz əm, .yu̇r ē ät əl .iz əm n * * … Medical dictionary
ureotelic — adjective Etymology: urea + o + tel + ic; from the fact that urea is the end product Date: 1924 excreting nitrogen mostly in the form of urea • ureotelism noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
ureotelic — producing urea as the main nitrogenous waste, as in fish … Dictionary of ichthyology
ureotelic — ureo·tel·ic … English syllables
ureotelic — … Useful english dictionary
Ureotélico — Los ureotélicos son aquellos animales que excretan urea como principal catabolito nitrogenado, es decir, que excretan el exceso de nitrógeno en forma de urea.[1] [2] Son ureotélicos los peces elasmobranquios, los anfibios, los reptiles quelonios… … Wikipedia Español
ureotelism — noun see ureotelic … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ernest Baldwin — Ernest Hubert Francis Baldwin (March 29, 1909 ndash; December 7, 1969) was an English biochemist, textbook author and pioneer in the field of comparative biochemistry.Born in Gloucester, Baldwin attended the Crypt Grammar School followed by St.… … Wikipedia