- unstopped
un·stopped (ŭn-stŏptʹ)
1. Not stopped:
an era of unstopped progress in medicine.
2. Having no stopper or plug:an unstopped bottle.
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Universalium. 2010.
an era of unstopped progress in medicine.
an unstopped bottle.
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Universalium. 2010.
unstopped — index chronic, continual (connected), continual (perpetual), continuous, direct (uninterrupted) … Law dictionary
unstopped — |ən+ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from un (I) + stopped : not stopped: as a. : not stoppered or plugged : not closed an unstopped rabbit hole … Useful english dictionary
unstopped — Synonyms and related words: articulated, bald, bare, catenated, ceaseless, chattering, clear, cleared, concatenated, connected, constant, continual, continued, continuing, continuous, cyclical, direct, disclosed, endless, exposed, featureless,… … Moby Thesaurus
unstopped — v. open, remove blockage … English contemporary dictionary
unstopped — un·stopped … English syllables
unstopped — /ʌnˈstɒpt/ (say un stopt) adjective 1. Prosody denoting a line of verse the sense of which continues into the following line. 2. not stopped up or prevented …
Harp guitar — The harp guitar (or harp guitar ) is a stringed instrument with a history of well over two centuries. While there are several unrelated historical stringed instruments that have appropriated the name “harp guitar” over the centuries, the term… … Wikipedia
continual — I (connected) adjective constant, constantly recurring, continued, continuing, continuus, nonstop, of regular recurrence, perennial, persistent, proceeding without cessation, proceeding without interruption, regular, steadfast, steady, sustained … Law dictionary
Flamenco — Not to be confused with Flamengo or Flamingo. For films with the same name, see Flamenco (film). Flamenco Stylistic origins Romani, Andalusian, Byzantine, Mozarabic, Moorish, Sephardic Cultural origins Andalusia (Spain) Typical instruments … Wikipedia
Kantele — (other names kannel , sormikantele ) is a Finnish traditional plucked string instrument. It is related to the Russian gusli , the Latvian kokle , the Lithuanian kanklės , the Estonian kannel , the Japanese koto and Chinese gu zheng . The oldest… … Wikipedia