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tubularly — adverb In a tubular way … Wiktionary
tubularly — adv. in the manner of a hollow cylinder, with tubes … English contemporary dictionary
tubularly — tu·bu·lar·ly … English syllables
tubularly — adverb : in a tubular manner or form … Useful english dictionary
Aulostomidae — Taxobox name = Trumpetfishes image width = 200px image caption = a trumpetfish regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Syngnathiformes familia = Aulostomidae subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision = Aulostomus The… … Wikipedia
tubular — tubularity, n. tubularly, adv. /tooh byeuh leuhr, tyooh /, adj. 1. having the form or shape of a tube; tubiform. 2. of or pertaining to a tube or tubes. 3. characterized by or consisting of tubes. [1665 75; < NL tubularis; see TUBULE, AR1] * * * … Universalium
tubular — adjective /ˈtubjəlɚ,ˈtjubjəlɚ/ a) Shaped like a tube. tubular bell b) Of or pertaining to a tube. Syn: cannular, tubiform See Also: tubularity, tubularly … Wiktionary
au-lo-s (: ēu-l-) (*heu-l-) — au lo s (: ēu l ) [*heu l ] English meaning: tube, hole, *street Deutsche Übersetzung: “Röhre, längliche Höhlung” Material: Gk. αὐλός m. “ pipe flute, long cavity “, ἔν αυλος m. “ riverbed “, αὐλών m. f. “ mountain valley, gulch,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
tubular — [to͞o′byə lər, tyo͞o′byə lər] adj. [< L tubulus, dim. of tubus, tube, pipe + AR] 1. of or shaped like a tube 2. made or furnished with a tube or tubes 3. sounding as if produced by blowing through a tube tubularity [to͞o′byo͞olar′ə tē,… … English World dictionary