
I. Trum·bull1 (trŭmʹbəl), John. 1750-1831.
American poet noted for his satirical works, including The Progress of Dulness (1772-1773).
  II. Trum·bull2 (trŭmʹbəl), John. 1756-1843.
American painter of historical scenes, such as The Battle of Bunker's Hill (1786) and The Declaration of Independence (1786-1797).

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  • Trumbull, John — born June 6, 1756, Lebanon, Conn. died Nov. 10, 1843, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. painter, architect, and author. The son of Gov. Jonathan Trumbull (1710–85), he served as an aide to George Washington during the American Revolution and later as… …   Universalium

  • Trumbull, John — (6 jun. 1756, Lebanon, Conn.–10 nov. 1843, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Pintor, arquitecto y escritor, estadounidense. Hijo del gob. Jonathan Trumbull (n. 1710–m. 1785). Se desempeñó como ayudante de George Washington durante la guerra de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Trumbull, John — (1750 1831)    Poet, b. at Waterbury, Conn., was a lawyer, and became a judge. He wrote much verse, his principal productions being The Progress of Dulness (1772) and McFingal (1782), written in support of the Revolution in imitation of Hudibras …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

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  • John Trumbull — (* 6. Juni 1756 in Lebanon, Connecticut, damals britische Kolonie, heute USA; † 10. November 1843 in New York City, USA) war ein amerikanischer Maler …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Trumbull — (6 juin 1756 – 10 novembre 1843) est un peintre américain contemporain de le guerre d indépendance américaine. Il est né à Lebanon (Connecticut). Son père était Jonathan Trumbull (1769 1784), qui fut …   Wikipédia en Français

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