
See thunder.

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      in Baltic religion, a sky deity usually known as Perkūnas (Lithuanian) or Pērkons (Latvian). See Pērkons.

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  • Thunderer — may refer to * the anglicised name of the god Pērkons in Latvian mythology. * one of Elijah s nicknames in Eastern Europe. * the character Thunderer in the DC Comics. * The Thunderer is a Marvel Comics character. * HMS Thunderer has been the name …   Wikipedia

  • Thunderer — Thun der*er, n. One who thunders; used especially as a translation of L. tonans, an epithet applied by the Romans to several of their gods, esp. to Jupiter. [1913 Webster] That dreadful oath which binds the Thunderer. Pope. [1913 Webster] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • thunderer — noun a noisemaker that makes a sound like thunder • Derivationally related forms: ↑thunder • Hypernyms: ↑noisemaker …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thunderer — noun an epithet for Jupiter • Syn: ↑Jupiter Tonans • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Jupiter, ↑Jove …   Useful english dictionary

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