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Threadiness — Thread i*ness, n. Quality of being thready. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
threadiness — noun see thready … New Collegiate Dictionary
threadiness — noun The state or quality of being thready … Wiktionary
threadiness — thread·i·ness … English syllables
threadiness — ˈthredēnə̇s noun ( es) : the quality or state of being thready … Useful english dictionary
thready — threadiness, n. /thred ee/, adj., threadier, threadiest. 1. consisting of or resembling a thread or threads; fibrous; filamentous. 2. stringy or viscid, as a liquid. 3. (of the pulse) thin and feeble. 4. (of sound, the voice, etc.) lacking… … Universalium
thready — adjective Date: 1597 1. consisting of or bearing fibers or filaments < a thready bark > 2. a. resembling a thread ; filamentous b. tending to form or draw out into strands ; ropy 3. lacking in fullness, body, or vigor ; thin … New Collegiate Dictionary
thready — /ˈθrɛdi/ (say thredee) adjective 1. consisting of or resembling a thread or threads; fibrous; filamentous. 2. stringy or viscid, as a liquid. 3. (of the pulse) thin and feeble. 4. (of voice, etc.) lacking fullness; thin; weak. {thread + y1}… …
thready — [thred′ē] adj. threadier, threadiest 1. of or like a thread; stringy; fibrous; filamentous 2. forming threads; viscid: said of liquids 3. of or covered with threads or threadlike parts; fibrous 4. thin, weak, feeble, etc. [a thready voice, a… … English World dictionary