- Tacna
Tacna [täk′nə, tak′ə]2. region in S Peru which, with an adjacent region (ARICA2) in Chile, was divided between the two countries in 1929
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Tac·na (tăkʹnə, täkʹnä)A town of southern Peru north of Arica, Chile. The object of a long-standing dispute between Peru and Chile, it became part of Peru in 1929. Population: 152,200.* * *
▪ Perucity, southern Peru, on the Caplina River at 1,844 feet (562 m) above sea level, in the arid Andean foothills. When the Spaniards arrived at the site in the 16th century, it was occupied by Aymara Indians. Later, the Spanish town of San Pedro de Tacna was founded, and the surrounding fertile soil and cool climate, as well as proximity to the Pacific port of Arica, Chile, contributed to its prosperity during the colonial era. Silver from Potosí, Bolivia, was also sent to Arica via Tacna. Following the depletion of the mines, Tacna languished, but it gained fame during the wars for independence from Spain, becoming the “Heroic City of Tacna” in 1826. In 1880, during the War of the Pacific, Chileans defeated Peruvian-Bolivian forces at nearby Campo de la Alianza. The Treaty of Ancón (1883) awarded both Tacna and Arica to Chile, but a final settlement in 1929 returned Tacna to Peru. During Chilean occupation Tacna was modernized greatly. The cathedral, begun in 1872, has been completed.The city is an agricultural processing centre. Crops include tobacco, grapes, cotton, and sugarcane; tanning, fruit canning, wine making, and liquor distilling are major activities. Tacna has an airport and is linked with Arica, 40 miles (60 km) south, by rail and the Pan-American highway. Roads also lead eastward to Andean settlements. Pop. (2005) 88,196.* * *
Universalium. 2010.