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Swahilian — n. of or pertaining to the Swahili people or their language … English contemporary dictionary
Swahili — Swahilian, adj. /swah hee lee/, n., pl. Swahilis, (esp. collectively) Swahili for 1. 1. a member of a Bantu people of Zanzibar and the neighboring coast of Africa. 2. Also, Kiswahili, ki Swahili. the Bantu language of the Swahili people, used… … Universalium
Swahili — /swaˈhili/ (say swah heelee) noun 1. a Bantu language, influenced by Arabic, spoken chiefly in Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Burundi, and Uganda, and used widely as a lingua franca in eastern and central Africa; the official language of Kenya and… …