Sullivan,Harry Stack

Sullivan,Harry Stack
Sullivan, Harry Stack. 1892-1949.
American psychiatrist who theorized that personality is largely determined by one's interpersonal relations and the assimilation of societal values.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Sullivan, Harry Stack — born Feb. 21, 1892, Norwich, N.Y., U.S. died Jan. 14, 1949, Paris, France U.S. psychiatrist. He engaged in clinical research at the Pratt Hospital in Maryland (1923–30), pursuing his interest in the use of psychotherapy to treat schizophrenia,… …   Universalium

  • Sullivan, Harry Stack —    (1892–1949)    An advocate of psychotherapy for schizophrenic patients and of interpersonal theory, Sullivan was born in Norwich, New York. He earned his M.D. from the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery in 1917, trained in psychoanalysis… …   Historical dictionary of Psychiatry

  • Sullivan, Harry Stack — (21 feb. 1892, Norwich, N.Y., EE.UU.–14 ene. 1949, París, Francia). Psiquiatra estadounidense. Se dedicó a la investigación clínica en el Hospital Pratt, en Maryland (1923–30), siguiendo su interés en el uso de la psicoterapia para tratar la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Harry Stack Sullivan — (eigentlich Herbert Stack Sullivan; * 21. Februar 1892 in Norwich, New York; † 14. Januar 1949 in Paris, Frankreich) war ein US amerikanischer Psychiater und Vertreter der Neopsychoanalyse. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biografie 2 Interpersonale Theorie …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Harry Stack Sullivan — (New York 1892 Paris 1949) est un psychiatre et psychanalyste américain. Il est connu pour avoir défini la psychiatrie comme « l étude du comportement interpersonnel ». Biographie Sullivan obtient son doctorat en médecine à Chicago en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Harry Stack Sullivan — Herbert Harry Stack Sullivan (February 21, 1892, Norwich, New York – January 14, 1949, Paris, France) was a U.S. psychiatrist whose work in psychoanalysis was based on direct and verifiable observation (versus the more abstract conceptions of the …   Wikipedia

  • Harry Stack Sullivan — Herbert Harry Stack Sullivan ( 1892 1949) fue un psiquiatra estadounidense cuyo trabajo en psicoanálisis estuvo basado, a diferencia de las observaciones más abstractas del inconciente de Sigmund Freud y sus discípulos, en observaciones directas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Салливан Гарри Стэк / Sullivan, Harry Stack — (1892 1949). Салливан был убежден в том, что личность формируется в межличностных отношениях; более того, он считал взаимоотношения между пациентом и терапевтом решающим фактором успешной терапии …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • Harry Stack Sullivan — noun United States psychiatrist (1892 1949) • Syn: ↑Sullivan • Instance Hypernyms: ↑psychiatrist, ↑head shrinker, ↑shrink …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stack Harry Sullivan — Harry Stack Sullivan (* 21. Februar 1892 in Norwich, New York; † 14. Januar 1949 in Paris, Frankreich) war ein US amerikanischer Psychiater und Vertreter der Neopsychoanalyse. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biografie 2 Interpersonale Theorie …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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