
Stras·berg (străsʹbərg, sträsʹ-), Lee. 1901-1982.
Austrian-born American theatrical director and teacher who studied under Stanislavsky and was an influential exponent of his method of acting.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • STRASBERG, LEE — (1901–1982), U.S. theatrical director and teacher. Born in Budanov (then Austria Hungary), his family moved in 1909 to New York, where Strasberg became entranced with the theater, largely through the influence of the Chrystie Street Settlement… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Strasberg, Lee — orig. Israel Strassberg born Nov. 17, 1901, Budzanów, Pol., Austria Hungary died Feb. 17, 1982, New York, N.Y., U.S. Russian born U.S. theatre director and teacher. At age seven he immigrated to New York City with his family. After acting lessons …   Universalium

  • Strasberg, Lee — (1901 82)    American actor. Born in Austria Hungary, he went to the US at the age of seven. He grew up on the Lower East Side of New York. He joined the Chrystie Street Settlement House s drama club. He later studied at the Clare Tree Major… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Strasberg, Lee — (1901–72)    US theatre director. At the age of eight, Strasberg was brought to New York from Hungary. After working with the Theatre Guild as an actor and director, he was a co founder in 1931 of the Group Theatre, which he directed until his… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Strasberg, Lee — • СТРА СБЕРГ (Strasberg) Ли (17.11.1901 12.2.1982)    амер. актёр, режиссер, педагог. С кон. 1910 х гг. выступал на сцене, был режиссёром. Занимался в Амер. лабораторном т ре у Р. Ботулеславского и М. Успенской, благодаря к рым изучил систему К.… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Strasberg, Lee — pseud. di Lee, Israel …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Strasberg, Lee — orig. Israel Strassberg (17 nov. 1901, Budzanów, Polonia, Austría Hungría–17 feb. 1982, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Director y profesor de teatro estadounidense de origen ruso. A la edad de siete años emigró a Nueva York junto a su familia.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lee Strasbreg — Lee Strasberg Lee Strasberg, de son vrai nom Israel Strassberg (né le 17 novembre 1901 en Ukraine, mort le 17 février 1982 à New York, États Unis) était un acteur américain qui a contribué à faire de l Actors Studio l école d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • STRASBERG (L.) — STRASBERG LEE (1901 1982) Le nom de Lee Strasberg, fondateur et metteur en scène d’une compagnie dramatique américaine avant la guerre, le Group Theatre (avec Cheryl Crawford et Harold Clurman), est surtout lié à l’Actor’s Studio, qu’il créa à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lee — /lee/, n. 1. Ann, 1736 84, British mystic: founder of Shaker sect in U.S. 2. Charles, 1731 82, American Revolutionary general, born in England. 3. Doris Emrick /em rik/, born 1905, U.S. painter. 4. Fitzhugh /fits hyooh / or, often, / yooh ; fits… …   Universalium

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