
Stil·i·cho (stĭlʹĭ-'), Flavius. 365?-408A.D.
Roman general who defended the Western Empire from the invading Goths and Vandals.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Stilicho, Flavius — ▪ Roman general born AD 365 died Aug. 22, 408  regent (394–408) for the Roman emperor Honorius and one of the last great Roman military commanders in the West. He fought in several campaigns against the barbarians, opposing the invading Visigoths …   Universalium

  • Stilicho, Flavius — (c. 360 408)    Roman military commander and regent whose career stood in the tradition of Arbogast, the fourth century German soldier who was the power behind the throne, and in contrast to that of the Gothic king Alaric. The son of a Vandal… …   Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

  • Stilicho — Stilicho,   Flavius, röm. Reichsfeldherr wandalischer Herkunft, * um 365, ✝ (hingerichtet) Ravenna 22. 8. 408; Ȋ mit einer Nichte des Kaisers Theodosius I., übernahm nach dessen Tod (395) die Regentschaft für den unmündigen Honorius und stieg so… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Flavius Stilicho — Stilicho (rechts) mit Frau Serena und Sohn Eucherius Flavius Stilicho (* um 365; † 22. August 408 in Ravenna) war ein römischer Heermeister (magister militum in Italien) und Politiker. Leben Stilicho wurde als Sohn eines Vandalen und einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Stilicho — Flavius Stilicho (occasionally written as Stilico) (ca. 359 ndash; August 22, 408) was a high ranking general ( magister militum ) and Patrician of the Western Roman Empire, notably of semi barbarian birth. Career Stilicho was born in Germany the …   Wikipedia

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