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Adaptedness — A*dapt ed*ness, n. The state or quality of being adapted; suitableness; special fitness. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adaptedness — noun see adapt … New Collegiate Dictionary
adaptedness — noun a) The state of being adapted; suitableness; fitness. b) The result of being adapted. See Also: adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptableness, adaptably, adaptation … Wiktionary
adaptedness — … Useful english dictionary
Environment Of Evolutionary Adaptedness — Environnement de l adaptation évolutive L’environnement de l adaptation évolutive (abrégé EEA, pour l anglais Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness) correspond à l environnement qui existe pendant le processus d une sélection évolutive pour une … Wikipédia en Français
Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness — Environnement de l adaptation évolutive L’environnement de l adaptation évolutive (abrégé EEA, pour l anglais Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness) correspond à l environnement qui existe pendant le processus d une sélection évolutive pour une … Wikipédia en Français
Environment of evolutionary adaptedness — Environnement de l adaptation évolutive L’environnement de l adaptation évolutive (abrégé EEA, pour l anglais Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness) correspond à l environnement qui existe pendant le processus d une sélection évolutive pour une … Wikipédia en Français
adapt — adaptedness, n. /euh dapt /, v.t. 1. to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly: They adapted themselves to the change quickly. He adapted the novel for movies. v.i. 2. to adjust oneself to different conditions,… … Universalium
Adaptation — This article is about the evolutionary process. For other uses, see Adaptation (disambiguation). Part of a series on Evolutionary Biology … Wikipedia
Evolutionary psychology — (EP) attempts to explain mental and psychological traits such as memory, perception, or language as adaptations, that is, as the functional products of natural selection or sexual selection. Adaptationist thinking about physiological mechanisms,… … Wikipedia