
Smith (smĭth), Adam. 1723-1790.
Scottish political economist and philosopher. His Wealth of Nations (1776) laid the foundations of classical free-market economic theory.

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  • Smith, Adam — (1723–1790)    The founding theorist of classical political economy, Adam Smith was educated at Glasgow, where he came to know many of the key figures of the Scottish enlightenment, and at Balliol, Oxford. He became friends with David Hume and,… …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

  • Smith, Adam — (baptized June 5, 1723, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scot. died July 17, 1790, Edinburgh) Scottish social philosopher and political economist. The son of a customs official, he studied at the Universities of Glasgow and Oxford. A series of public lectures in …   Universalium

  • Smith, Adam — (1723 90) An eminent Scottish philosopher and social theorist, Professor of Logic then Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, whose influential publications include The Theory of Moral Sentiments(1759), An Inquiry into the Nature and… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Smith, Adam — (1723–1790) Scottish philosopher and economist. Although best remembered as an economist, Smith was a polymath, and an eminent social theorist and moral philosopher. Born in Kirkcaldy, he was educated at Glasgow university and Balliol College,… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Smith, Adam — ► (1723 90) Filósofo y economista escocés. Publicó Theory of Moral Sentiments, en la que establece el fundamento de toda moral: la simpatía hacia nuestros semejantes. La naturaleza, mediante la simpatía, nos hace solidarios con los demás. Afirma… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • SMITH, Adam — (1723 1790)    Scottish moral philosopher and founder of the discipline of economics through his book The Wealth of Nations (1776) which is often seen as the textbook of CAPITALISM. Although he argued for a free market economy, Smith was highly… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • SMITH, ADAM —    political economist, born in Kirkcaldy, Fife; studied at Glasgow and Oxford, went to Edinburgh and became acquainted with David Hume and his confrères; was appointed to the chair of Logic in Glasgow in 1751, and the year after of Moral… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Smith, Adam — (1723 1790)    Political economist. Filled successively the chairs of logic and of moral philosophy at Glasgow. In 1766 published his great work, The Wealth of Nations.    Index: Sy His economic views receive attention, 11.    Bib.: Dict. Nat.… …   The makers of Canada

  • Smith, Adam — (1723 1790)    Philosopher and economist, b. at Kirkcaldy, Fife, the s. of the Controller of Customs there. His f. d. shortly before his birth. The first and only adventure in his tranquil life was his being kidnapped by gipsies. After being at… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • Smith — Smith, Adam …   Philosophy dictionary

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