- shambles
shambles [sham′bəlz]n.〚ME schamel, bench, as for displaying meat for sale < OE scamol, bench or stool, akin to Ger schemel < early WGmc borrowing < L scamellum, dim. < scamnum, bench < IE base * skabh-, * skambh-, to prop up > Sans skámbhana-, a support〛1. Brit. a place where meat is sold; butcher's stall or shop: now only a local usage, esp. in street names2. a slaughterhouse3. a scene of great slaughter, bloodshed, or carnage4. any scene or condition of great destruction or disorder [rooms left a shambles by conventioneers]
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sham·bles (shămʹbəlz) pl.n. (used with a sing. verb)1.a. A scene or condition of complete disorder or ruin: “The economy was in a shambles” (W. Bruce Lincoln).b. Great clutter or jumble; a total mess:made dinner and left the kitchen a shambles.
2.a. A place or scene of bloodshed or carnage.b. A scene or condition of great devastation.3. A slaughterhouse.[From Middle English shamel, shambil, place where meat is butchered and sold, from Old English sceamol, table, from Latin scabillum, scamillum, diminutive of scamnum, bench, stool.]Word History: A place or situation referred to as a shambles is usually a mess, but it is no longer always the bloody mess it once was. The history of the word begins innocently enough with the Latin word scamnum, “a stool or bench serving as a seat, step, or support for the feet, for example.” The diminutive scamillum, “low stool,” was borrowed by speakers of Old English as sceamol, “stool, bench, table.” Old English sceamol became Middle English shamel, which developed the specific sense in the singular and plural of “a place where meat is butchered and sold.” The Middle English compound shamelhouse meant “slaughterhouse,” a sense that the plural shambles developed (first recorded in 1548) along with the figurative sense “a place or scene of bloodshed” (first recorded in 1593). Our current, more generalized meaning, “a scene or condition of disorder,” is first recorded in 1926.* * *
Universalium. 2010.