Seaborg,Glenn Theodore

Seaborg,Glenn Theodore
Sea·borg (sēʹbôrg'), Glenn Theodore. 1912-1999.
American chemist. He shared a 1951 Nobel Prize for the discovery of plutonium.

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  • Seaborg , Glenn Theodore — (1912–) American nuclear chemist Born in Ishpeming, Michigan, Seaborg graduated in 1934 and gained his doctorate in 1937 at the University of California. He rose to become full professor in the Berkeley faculty in 1945. Over the period 1948–58… …   Scientists

  • Seaborg, Glenn (Theodore) — (19 abr. 1912, Ishpeming, Mich., EE.UU.–25 feb. 1999, Lafayette, Cal.). Químico nuclear estadounidense. Nacido de padres suecos, siguió estudios de posgrado en la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Trabajó con John Livingood, Emilio Segré y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Seaborg, Glenn Theodore — ▪ 2000       American nuclear scientist (b. April 19, 1912, Ishpeming, Mich. d. Feb. 25, 1999, Lafayette, Calif.), headed the Atomic Energy Commission for a decade (1961–71) and was a corecipient (with Edwin McMillan) of the Nobel Prize for… …   Universalium

  • Seaborg, Glenn (Theodore) — born April 19, 1912, Ishpeming, Mich., U.S. died Feb. 25, 1999, Lafayette, Calif. U.S. nuclear chemist. Born to Swedish parents, he pursued graduate study at the University of California at Berkeley. Working with John Livingood, Emilio Segré, and …   Universalium

  • Seaborg, Glenn Theodore — ► (1912 99) Químico estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Química en 1951, compartido con McMillan, por su contribución al descubrimiento del plutonio y de diversos isótopos fisibles del uranio …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Glenn Theodore Seaborg — Glenn T. Seaborg Glenn Theodore Seaborg (* 19. April 1912 in Ishpeming, Marquette County, Michigan; † 25. Februar 1999 in Lafayette, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Chemiker und Kernphysiker. Für seine Arbeiten zur Isolier …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Glenn Theodore Seaborg — (19 de abril de 1912 – 25 de febrero de 1999) logró el Premio Nobel en Química en 1951 por descubrimientos en la química de los elementos transuránicos ,[1] contribuyendo al descubrimiento y aislamiento de diez elementos químicos, desarrolló el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Glenn Theodore Seaborg — en 1964. Glenn Theodore Seaborg (19 avril 1912 à Ishpeming, Michigan 25 février 1999 à Lafayette, Californie) est un physicien atomiste américain. Il est colauréat avec …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Seaborg, Glenn T. — ▪ American chemist in full  Glenn Theodore Seaborg  born April 19, 1912, Ishpeming, Mich., U.S. died Feb. 25, 1999, Lafayette, Calif.  American nuclear (nuclear energy) chemist best known for his work on isolating and identifying transuranium… …   Universalium

  • Glenn Theodore Seaborg — noun United States chemist who was one of the discoverers of plutonium (1912 1999) • Syn: ↑Seaborg, ↑Glenn T. Seaborg • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist …   Useful english dictionary

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