Schlegel,August Wilhelm von
- Schlegel,August Wilhelm von
Schle·gel (shlāʹgəl), August Wilhelm von. 1767-1845.
German scholar who wrote influential criticism,
translated several Shakespearean works,
and composed poetry.
He also edited a literary magazine with his brother Friedrich (
a philosopher,
and critic whose essays formed the intellectual basis of German romanticism.
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Schlegel, August Wilhelm von — born Sept. 8, 1767, Hannover, Hanover died May 12, 1845, Bonn German scholar and critic. He worked as a tutor and wrote for Friedrich Schiller s short lived periodical Die Horen before cofounding with his brother Friedrich von Schlegel the… … Universalium
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von — (8 sep. 1767, Hannover, Alemania–12 may. 1845, Bonn). Académico y crítico alemán. Se desempeñó como tutor académico y escribió para la revista de Friedrich Schiller Die Horen, de corta vida, antes de fundar junto a su hermano, Friedrich von… … Enciclopedia Universal
August Wilhelm von Schlegel — Schlegel um 1800 August Wilhelm Schlegel August Wilhelm von Schlegel (* 8. September 1767 in Hannover; † 12. Mai … Deutsch Wikipedia
August Wilhelm von Schlegel — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda August Wilhelm von Schlegel August Wilhelm von Schlegel (Hannover, 8 de septiembre de 1767 – 12 de mayo de 1845), crítico, traductor, filólogo y profesor … Wikipedia Español
SCHLEGEL, AUGUST WILHELM VON — German man of letters, born at Hanover; studied theology at first, but turned to literature and began with poetry; settled in Jena, and in 1798 became professor of Fine Arts there; was associated in literary work with Madame de Staël for 14… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
August Wilhelm Schlegel — Schlegel um 1800 August Wilhelm Schlegel … Deutsch Wikipedia
SCHLEGEL (A. W. von) — Né à Hanovre, August Wilhelm von Schlegel, frère aîné de Friedrich, étudie à partir de 1786 la théologie, puis la philosophie classique chez Christian Gottlob Heyne à l’université de Göttingen où l’influence de Bürger le marque profondément. Une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
August Wilhelm Schlegel — Portrait par Albert Gregorius au Château de Coppet August Whilhelm von Schlegel, né le 8 septembre 1767 à Hanovre, mort le 12 mai 1845 à Bonn, est un philosophe, critique, orientaliste et traducteur allemand et l un des principaux théoriciens du … Wikipédia en Français
Wilhelm von Humboldt — Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Carl Ferdinand von Humboldt, kurz: Wilhelm von Humboldt, (* 22. Juni 1767 in Potsdam; † 8. April 1835 in Tegel) war ein deutscher Gelehrter, Staatsmann und Mitgründer der Universität Berlin (heute: Humboldt Universität … Deutsch Wikipedia
August Wilhelm Schlegel — August Wilhelm (later: von) Schlegel (September 8, 1767 ndash; May 12, 1845) was a German poet, translator, critic, and a foremost leader of German Romanticism.Life and workSchlegel was born at Hanover, where his father, Johann Adolf Schlegel,… … Wikipedia