
Roussillon [ro͞o n′]
historical region of S France bordering on the Pyrenees & the Gulf of Lions

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Rous·sil·lon (ro͞o--yôɴʹ)
A historical region of southern France bordering on Spain and the Mediterranean Sea. Originally inhabited by Iberians, it became part of Roman Gaul after c. 121 B.C. and later changed hands many times, eventually becoming a Spanish possession that was transferred to France by the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659).

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Historical and cultural region, southern France.

Originally inhabited by Iberians, the region was conquered by Rome in the 2nd century BC. It was held by the Visigoths in the 5th century AD, and successively by Arabs and Carolingian Franks. It was acquired by the counts of Barcelona in the 9th century. Monasticism flourished from the 10th century on, and the area is rich in Romanesque architectural remains. It became part of the kingdom of Aragon in the 12th century. It was acquired from Spain by treaty in 1659. The chief city is Perpignan. There are numerous families of Catalan gypsies, and Catalan is widely spoken.

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      historical and cultural region encompassing the southern French département of Pyrénées-Orientales and coextensive with the former province of Roussillon. Its chief city has always been Perpignan.

      Ruscino (near Perpignan) was settled by a people with markedly Iberian affinities from the 7th century BC to the latter part of the 3rd, when it came under the control of Gallic peoples. After being conquered by the Romans in the 2nd century BC, the country passed to the Visigoths in AD 462, to the Arabs in about 720, and to Carolingian France in the 750s.

      At the final separation, in 865, between Septimania (part of the future Languedoc) to the north and the Spanish March (Frankish Catalonia) to the south, Roussillon was included in the latter. Later in the 9th century, feudalism gave rise to hereditary countships in the area, most of which were held by relatives of the contemporary counts of Barcelona. The latter dynasty acquired direct rights to Roussillon in 1172, and Roussillon thus became part of Aragon, which the counts of Barcelona had also acquired by then.

      There was a great flowering of monasticism in Roussillon from the 10th century on, with the result that the area is rich in Romanesque architectural remains. The house of Barcelona-Aragon granted privileges to the towns, and commerce benefited from the integration of Roussillon with neighbouring Catalonia to the south. In the 13th century Roussillon formed the core of the kingdom of Majorca, an amalgamation formed by James I of Aragon and Majorca in the 13th century. The house of Aragon continued to hold Roussillon until the 1640s, when, during the Thirty Years' War, France occupied Spain's lands north of the Pyrenees. The town of Perpignan fell to the French in 1642, and in 1659 Spain formally ceded the province to France by the Treaty of the Pyrenees.

      Physiographically, the region represents the eastern extremity of the French Pyrenees and the Mediterranean coastal lowlands adjoining them. The population is concentrated in the irrigated plains. Roussillon is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. Protestants in Perpignan tend to be immigrants, and many Jews living in Roussillon are repatriates from Algeria. There are numerous families of Catalan Gypsies. Catalan is widely spoken, and French is spoken with a heavy Catalan accent. The regional cuisine relies on olive oil. Ollada, or ouillade, is a beef stew cooked in a heavy pot. Cargolada is a dish of escargots. Notable wines come from Banyuls-sur-Mer, Rivesaltes, and Maury.

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Universalium. 2010.

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