- roundtable
round·ta·ble (roundʹtā'bəl)
2. Round Tablea. In Arthurian legend, the circular table of King Arthur and his knights.b. The knights of King Arthur considered as a group.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
roundtable — (n.) in reference to a gathering of persons in which all are accorded equal status, 1826 (there being no head of a round table.) King Arthur s Round Table is attested from c.1300, from O.Fr. table ronde (1155, in Wace s Roman de Brut) … Etymology dictionary
Roundtable — Microsoft Office RoundTable Microsoft Office RoundTable est une webcam 360° développé par Microsoft pour la visioconférence. Durant son développement, elle était connu sous le nom de Microsoft RingCam. Elle se disposera sur une table et sera… … Wikipédia en Français
roundtable — /ˈraʊndteɪbəl/ (say rowndtaybuhl) adjective of or relating to a round table: a roundtable discussion …
roundtable — noun a meeting of peers for discussion and exchange of views a roundtable on the future of computing • Syn: ↑round table, ↑round table conference • Hypernyms: ↑conference, ↑group discussion … Useful english dictionary
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil — (RSPO) Zweck: Förderung des Wachstums und der Nutzung nachhaltigen Palmöls durch Kooperation innerhalb der Lieferkette und offenen Dialog mit allen Akteuren[1] Vorsitz: Jan Kees Vis, Unilever (2010/2011) Gründungsdatum: 8. April 2004 … Deutsch Wikipedia
roundtable — noun see round table 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Roundtable — Round Ta|ble [ raʊnd teɪbl], der; , (auch:) Round|ta|ble, der; [engl. round table, eigtl. = runder Tisch, in Anlehnung an: Round Table = Tafelrunde des Königs Artus]: Round Table Gespräch … Universal-Lexikon
roundtable — see round table … English dictionary
Freelancin' Roundtable — Roundtable (RT) was a modem based text chat system located in the Clear Lake City, Texas area near Houston for 3 years in the mid 1980’s frequented by local Bulletin Board System (BBS) users. The first 8 phone lines were installed in October,… … Wikipedia
The Real Estate Roundtable — is a non profit public policy organization in Washington, D.C. that works on public policy issues affecting the real estate industry. The Roundtable s policy issue focus includes specific issues such as taxation of carried interests and terrorism … Wikipedia