- Roberts,Oral
Roberts, Oral. Born 1918.
American evangelist who has preached widely on tours and radio and television broadcasts.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Roberts, Oral — (b. 1918) prominent Pentecostal healing evangelist Granville Oral Roberts was born in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, on January 24, 1918. His father was a preacher in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. At the age of 17, Roberts… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Roberts, Oral — born Jan. 24, 1918, near Ada, Okla., U.S. U.S. evangelist. The son of a Pentecostal preacher, he underwent a conversion experience in 1935. He spent 12 years as a pastor in several towns in the South and built up his own organization, the… … Universalium
Roberts, Oral — (24 ene. 1918, cerca de Ada, Okla., EE.UU.). Evangelista estadounidense. Hijo de un predicador pentecostal, en 1935 tuvo una experiencia de conversión. Se desempeñó doce años como pastor en varios pueblos sureños y estableció su propia… … Enciclopedia Universal
Oral Roberts — For the university, see Oral Roberts University. For the Pentecostal ministry, see Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association. Oral Roberts Born January 24, 1918(1918 01 24) in Ada, Oklahoma … Wikipedia
Roberts — /rob euhrts/, n. 1. Sir Charles George Douglas, 1860 1943, Canadian poet and novelist. 2. Elizabeth Madox /mad euhks/, 1886 1941, U.S. poet and novelist. 3. Frederick Sleigh /slay/, Earl ( Bobs Bahadur ), 1832 1914, British field marshal. 4.… … Universalium
oral — orality, n. orally, adv. /awr euhl, ohr /, adj. 1. uttered by the mouth; spoken: oral testimony. 2. of, using, or transmitted by speech: oral methods of language teaching; oral traditions. 3. of, pertaining to, or involving the mouth: the oral… … Universalium
oral — (Del lat. oralis.) ► adjetivo 1 Que es expresado o transmitido por medio de palabras habladas: ■ la poesía épica pertenece a la tradición oral; esta tarde tengo un examen oral. ANTÓNIMO escrito 2 De la boca: ■ la higiene oral es muy importante;… … Enciclopedia Universal
Roberts — (as used in expressions) Barbara Millicent Roberts Binford, Lewis R(oberts) Roberts, Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts, Sir Charles G(eorge) D(ouglas) Joseph Roberts Smallwood Margaret Hilda Roberts Vance, Cyrus (Roberts) … Enciclopedia Universal
Oral Roberts Golden Eagles — University Oral Roberts University Conference(s) The Summit League NCAA Divisio … Wikipedia
Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association — Formation 1947 Type Pentecostal ministry Legal status Non profit Headquarters Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA CEO … Wikipedia