Richards, I(vor) A(rmstrong)
- Richards, I(vor) A(rmstrong)
Rich·ards (rĭchʹərdz), I(vor) A(rmstrong). 1893-1979.
British literary critic who helped to develop Basic English and was a founder of the New Criticism movement.
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born Feb. 26, 1893, Sandbach, Cheshire, Eng.
died Sept. 7, 1979, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
English critic and poet.
While a lecturer at Cambridge,
Richards wrote influential works,
including Principles of Literary Criticism (
in which he introduced a new way of reading poetry that led to the New Criticism.
A student of psychology,
he concluded that poetry performs a therapeutic function by coordinating various human impulses into an aesthetic whole.
In the 1930s he spent much of his time developing Basic English,
a language system of 850 basic words that he believed would promote international understanding.
He taught at Harvard University from 1944.
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Richards, I(vor) A(rmstrong) — (26 feb. 1893, Sandbach, Cheshire, Inglaterra–7 sept. 1979, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire). Crítico y poeta inglés. Mientras trabajaba como profesor en Cambridge, Richards escribió importantes obras, entre ellas Principles of Literary Criticism… … Enciclopedia Universal
Richards — Richards, Dickinson W. Richards, Theodore William * * * (as used in expressions) Minot, George (Richards) Richards, (Isaac) Vivian (Alexander) Richards, I(vor) A(rmstrong) … Enciclopedia Universal
Richards — [rich′ərdz] 1. I(vor) A(rmstrong) 1893 1979; Eng. literary critic in the U.S. 2. Theodore William 1868 1928; U.S. chemist … English World dictionary
Richards — /rich euhrdz/, n. 1. Dickinson Woodruff /wood ruf/, 1895 1973, U.S. physician: Nobel prize 1956. 2. I(vor) A(rmstrong) /uy veuhr, ee veuhr/, 1893 1979, English literary critic in the U.S. 3. Theodore William, 1868 1928, U.S. chemist: Nobel prize… … Universalium
Richards — Rich•ards [[t]ˈrɪtʃ ərdz[/t]] n. big I(vor) A(rmstrong), 1893–1979, English literary critic in the U.S … From formal English to slang
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