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  • Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… …   Medical dictionary

  • isthmus — 1. A constriction in the embryonic neural tube delineating the anterior portion of the rhombencephalon, the future metencephalon, form the more rostrally located mesenephalon. 2. SYN: rhombencephalic i.. [G. isthmos] i. of aorta SYN …   Medical dictionary

  • tegmentum — 1. A covering structure. 2. SYN: mesencephalic t.. [L. covering structure, fr. tego, to cover] t. mesencephali [TA] SYN: mesencephalic t.. mesencephalic t. that major part of the substance of the …   Medical dictionary

  • tract — An elongated area, e.g., path, track, way. SEE ALSO: fascicle. SYN: tractus. [L. tractus, a drawing out] alimentary t. SYN: digestive t.. anterior corticospinal t. uncrossed fibers forming a small bundle in the anterior funiculus of the …   Medical dictionary

  • flexure — A bend, as in an organ or structure. SYN: flexura [TA]. [L. flexura] anorectal f. [TA] the anteroposterior curve or angle, with convesity directed anteriorly, of the anorectal junction; tonus of the puborectalis (muscle) produces the …   Medical dictionary

  • Möbius syndrome — Classification and external resources A child with oromandibular limb hypogenesis Möbius syndrome. Notice the expressionless face (due to bilateral VII nerve palsies) and missing fingers. ICD …   Wikipedia

  • Red nucleus — Not to be confused with Red blood cell#Nucleus. Brain: Red nucleus Transverse section through the midbrain showing the location of the red nuclei. The superior colliculi are at the top of image and the cerebral peduncles at the bottom of image –… …   Wikipedia

  • Michel Jouvet — Michel Valentin Marcel Jouvet (born 16 November 1925 in Lons le Saunier, Jura, France) is Emeritus Professor of Experimental Medicine at the University of Lyon. He spent one year in the laboratory of the Horace Magoun in Long Beach, California in …   Wikipedia

  • Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 2 — Hydroxysteroid (11 beta) dehydrogenase 2 Identifiers Symbols HSD11B2; AME; AME1; HSD11K; HSD2; SDR9C3 External IDs …   Wikipedia

  • Fiber — The parts of plants that cannot be digested, namely complex carbohydrates. Also known as bulk or roughage. Complex carbohydrates from plants are rich in starch and fiber. Examples of plants that provide complex carbohydrates (fiber) are fresh… …   Medical dictionary

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