Reuther,Walter Philip

Reuther,Walter Philip
Reu·ther (ro͞oʹthər), Walter Philip. 1907-1970.
American labor leader who was president of the United Auto Workers (1946-1970) and of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1952-1955).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Reuther, Walter (Philip) — born Sept. 1, 1907, Wheeling, W.Va., U.S. died May 9, 1970, Pellston, Mich. U.S. labour leader. He became an apprentice tool and diemaker at age 16. He traveled around the world in the 1930s, developing a lifelong distaste for communism after… …   Universalium

  • Reuther, Walter (Philip) — (1 sep. 1907, Wheeling, W.V., EE.UU.–9 may. 1970, Pellston, Mich.). Dirigente sindical estadounidense. A la edad de 16 años era aprendiz de fabricación de herramientas y estampas. En la década de 1930 viajó alrededor del mundo y luego de trabajar …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Reuther, Walter — ▪ American labour leader in full  Walter Philip Reuther  born September 1, 1907, Wheeling, West Virginia, U.S. died May 9, 1970, Pellston, Michigan  American labour leader who was president of the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and of the… …   Universalium

  • REUTHER (W. P.) — REUTHER WALTER PHILIP (1907 1970) Importante personnalité du syndicalisme américain. D’abord outilleur chez Ford en même temps qu’il suivait les cours de la Wayne University de Detroit, Walter Reuther prit part au syndicalisme militant après la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Walter — Walter, Bruno Walter, John * * * (as used in expressions) Adams, Walter S(ydney) Alvarez, Luis W(alter) Bagehot, Walter Walter Lanier Barber Beaton, Sir Cecil (Walter Hardy) Benjamin, Walter Brattain, Walter H(ouser) Richard Walter Jenkins, Jr.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Philip — /fil ip/, n. 1. one of the 12 apostles. Mark 3:18; John 1:43 48; 6:5 7. 2. one of the leaders of the Christian Hellenists in the early church in Jerusalem who afterwards became an evangelist and missionary. Acts 6; 8:26 40. 3. King (Metacomet),… …   Universalium

  • Philip — (as used in expressions) Armour, Philip Danforth Benjamin, Judah P(hilip) Berrigan, Daniel (Joseph) y Philip (Francis) Carey, Peter (Philip) Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stuart Freneau, Philip (Morin) Glass, Philip Henslowe, Philip Johnson …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Walter — /vahl teuhr/ for 1; /wawl teuhr/ for 2, 3, n. 1. Bruno /brooh noh/, (Bruno Schlesinger), 1876 1962, German opera and symphony conductor, in U.S. after 1939. 2. Thomas Ustick /yooh stik/, 1804 87, U.S. architect. 3. a male given name. * * * (as… …   Universalium

  • Reuther —   [ ruːθə], Walter Philip, amerikanischer Gewerkschaftsführer, * Wheeling (West Virginia) 1. 9. 1907, ✝ (Flugzeugabsturz) Pellston (Michigan) 9. 5. 1970; wurde 1946 Präsident der »United Automobile Workers Union« (UAW). Reuther erreichte… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Reuther — [ro͞o′thər] Walter (Philip) 1907 70; U.S. labor leader …   English World dictionary

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