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  • resentfully — resentful ► ADJECTIVE ▪ feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation. DERIVATIVES resentfully adverb resentfulness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • resentfully — adverb with resentment; in a resentful manner (Freq. 1) the best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a Minister • Derived from adjective: ↑resentful …   Useful english dictionary

  • resentfully adv — I mailed it to you again, Tom said resentfully …   English expressions

  • Resentfully — Resentful Re*sent ful ( f?l), a. Inclined to resent; easily provoked to anger; irritable. {Re*sent ful*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • resentfully — adverb see resentful …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • resentfully — adverb In a resentful manner …   Wiktionary

  • resentfully — adv. bitterly, indignantly, angrily, with a feeling of ill will …   English contemporary dictionary

  • resentfully — re·sent·ful·ly …   English syllables

  • resentful — resentfully, adv. resentfulness, n. /ri zent feuhl/, adj. full of or marked by resentment. [1645 55; RESENT + FUL] * * * …   Universalium

  • resentful — [[t]rɪze̱ntfʊl[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you are resentful, you feel resentment. At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job... He turned away in sullen, resentful silence. Syn: aggrieved, angry Derived words: resentfully ADV GRADED usu …   English dictionary

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