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Reef knot — Knot details name=Reef knot names=Square knot (from its appearance) type=binding origin=Ancient related=Thief knot, granny knot, grief knot releasing=Jamming strength=48% caveat=Not secure as a bend. Spills easily if one of the free ends is… … Wikipedia
Granny knot — Knot details name=Granny knot caption= names= False knot, Lubber s knot, Calf knot, Booby knot type= binding strength= origin= related= Reef knot, Thief knot, Grief knot releasing= often jams uses= caveat= Should not be used as a bend. Inferior… … Wikipedia
Thief knot — Knot details name=Thief knot names=Bag knot, Bread bag knot type=binding origin=Ancient related=Reef knot, Granny knot, Grief knot releasing=jamming, but not always strength= caveat=spills uses= abok number=#1207The Thief knot resembles the reef… … Wikipedia
Grief knot — Knot details name=Grief knot names=What knot, Whatnot, Grass bend, Reeving line bend type=binding type2=trick origin= related=Reef knot, Thief knot, Granny knot releasing=Non jamming strength= caveat=Very weak uses=Used for jokes and tricks. It… … Wikipedia
Scouting in East Midlands — is about Scouting in the official region of East Midlands. It is largely represented by the Scout Association of the United Kingdom and some Groups of traditional Scouting including the Baden Powell Scouts Association.There are four student… … Wikipedia