Raleigh,Sir Walter

Raleigh,Sir Walter
Raleigh or Ra·legh (rôʹlē, räʹ-), Sir Walter. 1552?-1618.
English courtier, navigator, colonizer, and writer. A favorite of Elizabeth I, he campaigned in Ireland and Cádiz, explored Guiana, colonized Virginia, and introduced tobacco and the potato to Europe. Convicted of treason by James I, he was released for another expedition to Guiana and executed after its failure. His literary works include poetry, memoirs, and a world history.

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  • Raleigh, Sir Walter — (¿1554?, Hayes Barton, cerca de Budleigh Salterton, Devon, Inglaterra–29 oct. 1618, Londres). Aventurero inglés y favorito de Isabel I. Se unió a su medio hermano Humphrey Gilbert en una expedición de piratería contra los españoles (1578) y luego …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Ralegh (Raleigh), Sir Walter — (1552 1618)    The military and naval commander and adventurer was born near Budleigh Salterton, South Devon. In 1569 he fought on the Huguenot side in the Wars of Religion in France and was later at Oriel College, Oxford (1572), and at the… …   British and Irish poets

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  • Sir Walter Raleigh — (* 1552 oder 1554 in Hayes Barton, Devonshire; † 29. Oktober 1618 in London) war ein englischer Seefahrer, Entdecker und Schriftsteller sowie Günstling der englischen Königin Elizabeth I. Sein Nachname findet sich auch in den Schreibweisen Rawley …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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