
ba·ta·ta (bə-täʹtə) n.
A type of sweet potato having somewhat dry, bland, yellowish to white flesh, used as a staple food in many tropical countries. Also called boniato, camote.
  [American Spanish, perhaps of Taino origin.]

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▪ 2005
Paulino Salgado Valdez 
      Colombian master drummer, singer, and composer (b. 1929, San Basilio de Palenque, Colom.—d. Jan. 24, 2004, Bogotá, Colom.), was the leading figure in Afro-Colombian music. Batata hailed from a city in Colombia founded by escaped slaves, and his music thus reflected a strong West African influence. He toured for two decades with singer Totó la Momposina. Batata's story was told in the documentary film Sons of Benkos (2000), and his only solo album, Radio Bakongo, was released in 2003.

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Universalium. 2010.

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