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primitivistic — adjective see primitivism … New Collegiate Dictionary
primitivistic — adjective Of or pertaining to primitivism … Wiktionary
primitivistic — prim·i·tiv·is·tic … English syllables
primitivistic — adjective see primitivist II … Useful english dictionary
Old Time Missionary Baptist — Variously known as Old Time Missionary Baptist, Old Missionary Baptist, and Old Fashioned Missionary Baptist, these churches represent a sub group within the landmark Baptists that have rejected most progressive means and methods that were… … Wikipedia
prim|i|tiv|ist — «PRIHM uh tuh vihst», noun, adjective. –n. a person who has a preference for the primitive, especially in art or religion. –adj. 1. of or having to do with primitive art or artists: »Jacob Epstein s primitivist work was not his best; he was… … Useful english dictionary
primitivism — noun Date: 1861 1. primitive practices or procedures; also a primitive quality or state 2. a. belief in the superiority of a simple way of life close to nature b. belief in the superiority of nonindustrial society to that of the present 3. the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Modernism — For other uses of the word, see Modernism (disambiguation). For the period in sociology beginning with the industrialization, see Modernity. Hans Hofmann, The Gate , 1959–1960, collection: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Hofmann was renowned not… … Wikipedia
Old Regular Baptist — The Old Regular Baptists are an American Christian denomination based primarily in the Appalachian region of the United States.HistoryMost Regular Baptists merged with the Separate Baptists near the beginning of 19th century. The party names were … Wikipedia
General Association of Baptists — Part of a series on Baptists … Wikipedia