- Port-Vila
Port-Vi·la (pôrt'vēʹlə, pōrt'-, pôr-vē-läʹ) or Vi·la (vēʹlə, vē-läʹ)
The capital of Vanuatu, on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was a Japanese base during World War II. Population: 13,067.
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or VilaAlthough French in appearance, the town has a multinational population including British, French, and Vietnamese. It served as a base for the U.S. in World War II and is the commercial centre of Vanuatu.* * *
▪ Vanuatucapital and largest town of the republic of Vanuatu, southwestern Pacific Ocean. Port-Vila is located on Mélé Bay on the southwest coast of Éfaté and is the commercial centre of the island group. Although the town is French in appearance, the population is multinational, including ni-Vanuatu, British, French, Chinese, and Vietnamese. An active commercial port, the town has hospitals, hotels, casinos, markets and shopping districts, a sports stadium, a cultural centre, a teacher-training institution, a campus of the University of the South Pacific, and several meat- and fish-processing plants.Bauerfield, just outside the town, is the major international airport of Vanuatu. Port-Vila served as a base for Allied forces in World War II. A strong offshore earthquake caused widespread damage to the town and surrounding area in January 2002. Pop. (2004 est.) 36,900.* * *
Universalium. 2010.